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Q: Why are trans-membrane transport proteins needed?
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What type of proteins don't go through the bilayer?

It important that some proteins extend all the way through the bilayer of a plasma membrane. This is to offer protection to the cell and also facilitate the transport of various substances in and out of the cell.

What are facts about integral membrane proteins?

They are usually transmembrane proteins.

Why does water have to pass through a transport protein?

The lipid bilayer in the cell cell membranes is essentially impermeable (or have a low permeability) to water and is necessary for cells to maintain their homeostasis. The water transport proteins and other transmembrane proteins are necessary for water to cross the cell membrane.

What is facilitated transport?

Facilitated diffusion (or facilitated transport) is a process of diffusion, a form of passive transport facilitated by transport proteins. Facilitated diffusion is the spontaneous passage of molecules or ions across a biological membrane passing through specific transmembrane transport proteins. The facilitated diffusion may occur either across biological membranes or through aqueous compartments of an organism.

Why are ATPases associated with active transport proteins?

They provide transport proteins with the energy needed to pump molecules against their concentration gradients.

What is a holes in plasma membrane through which molecules pass across capillary wall?

The plasma membrane is made up of a lipid bilayer and some proteins. The transmembrane proteins are the structures which are involved in the transport of molecules in or through the cell.

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What are the membrane structures that function in active transport?

transmembrane proteins like a proton pump that pumps hydrogen atoms to the extraacellular space creating a charge difference between the inside of the cell(negative charge) and the outside of the cell(positive charge) by the use of ATP. This charge difference is what allows cotransport through another transmembrane protein to occur.In a nutshell proteins with the use of ATP

What are channels in the pumps in the cell membrane mad of?

These are proteins. Transmembrane proteins span the entire membrane.

How do transport proteins move substances across membranes?

Facilitated diffusion (also known as facilitated transport or passive-mediated transport) is a process of passive transport, facilitated by integral proteins. Facilitated diffusion is the spontaneous passage of molecules or ions across a biological membrane passing through specific transmembrane integral proteins. The facilitated diffusion may occur either across biological membranes or through aqueous compartments of an organism.*This is from Wikipedia.....

Why do cells need carriers proteins that transport glucose?

Large molecules, such as glucose, are not able to pass through the cell membrane. Therefore proteins are needed to transport them across.

How are proteins and lipids secreted out of the cell?

through active transport, as transport proteins are needed to fit them through the phospholipid bilayer. this requires energy, as the proteins are doing a lot of work to move the large molecules.