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Because they'd be too expensive to sell very well for one thing. Chickens are bred commercially to produce high numbers of eggs making it economically viable while tukeys, (even commercially raised) produce far fewer eggs and consequently each egg would be very expensive to produce and get to market........besides, being a ready breakfast food, eggs are used for baked goods and our whole cooking culture is based on standard sized eggs ( turkey eggs are generally larger, and not as uniform)

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Q: Why are turkey eggs not sold in the supermarket?
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What you eat as eggs arefertilised or not?

Eggs that are sold in the supermarket are not fertilized. If they were, you would see a partially formed chick inside.

How can you obtain fertillised and unfertillised eggs?

If you mean hen's eggs, unfertillised eggs are what are sold in your local supermarket. Fertillised hen's eggs you should be able to get from a local farm.

Where is poultry sold?

You can find chicken, turkey and other types of poultry in a meat market or the meat section of a supermarket.

Whats Texas farm products raised and sold?

beef, pork, eggs, chicken, and turkey.

Why are there two yolks in a turkey egg?

Turkey eggs are usually used for reproduction, being somewhat rarer than chicken eggs. Double yolked eggs, however, are not viable, and so can be sold for cooking because they are useless for making new turkeys. So while not ALL turkey eggs have two yolks, most of those that are sold for eating do. The single yolkers are hatched to create the next generation of turkeys.

Where is jennie-o turkey store sold?

Jennie-O Turkey can be bought at all major food supermarket chains such as Kroger, ShopRite and Publix. They can also be found at retailers such as Target and Walmart.

Are turkey eggs brown?

Yes turkey eggs are brown

In the supermarket it says free range eggs and if its not free ranged where does it come from?

If it's not free range it means they produce eggs in a small metal box for their entire life or until they stop laying and then their killed and the meat is sold

Where do you sell chicken eggs?

Well, most people sell their eggs in the supermarket.

Does wegman supermarket sell deep fried turkey?

Wegman's supermarket does indeed sell deep fried turkey. Not all locations do so you would have to call ahead of time and ask.

What are turkey eggs usually called?


Are turkey eggs bigger then ostrich eggs?
