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Because water at the surface is always warmer than the water at depth. You get used to the temperature of the water surrounding you. When water surges up from the depth, you notice the change in temperature.

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Q: Why are upwelling in waters always cold?
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Why are upwelling waters always cold?

they come from the colder waters on the bottom of the oceans

Are orcas always in cold waters?

no, they swim over warm and deep waters sometimes

What isn't associated with upwelling?

Upwelling is when the winds cause nutrient rich waters from lower levels of the ocean to replace the surface water. Upwelling's are usually caused by coastal surges or open oceans.

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How does upwelling bring fish or nutrients to the surface?

how does upwelling bring fish and nutrients to the surface

How does upwelling affect the productivity of many regions of the ocean including waters off the coasts of California and Peru?

Upwelling increases productivity by lifting nutrients to the surface.

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Upwelling/downwelling, do some research on these.

What industry is dependent upon the productive waters of an upwelling area?

The fishing industry depends on fish gathering at the nutrient rich water upwelling from deeper ocean climes.

The waters off the coast of France are cold Which of the following is the best explanation?

Off the coast of Ecuador, cold, nutrient-rich water rises from below. Which of the following best describes this current? (this is the actual question and answer) -upwelling or The gyre rotates clockwise, bringing cold water from the north.

Where are nearly all fishes caught?

harvested from coastal waters or areas of upwelling YA WELCUM

What cold currents near coastlines might indicate sites of upwelling?

The cold currents flowing along the ocean floor displaces the warmer water upward, which shows sites of upwelling.

How does upwelling occur?

Upwelling is a process by which cold water is brought up from the depths of the ocean.