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Though 80% of the earth is covered with water, only 1% of it is fresh water. It's only 1% that we can use for drinking, irrigation, washing etc. But today, fresh water levels in many parts of the world have dropped alarmingly. So, the need to save water has become important. In fact given below are some tips on water conservation at home. These tips are inexpensive and easy to implement. Check them out and save our most precious natural resource.

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14y ago

we have to conserve water to save our planet

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Q: Why are we asked to save water?
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Slogans on saving water?

1. save water, save life 2. save water it will save you later

Poster on save water?

When asked to design a poster on saving water, someone can have a night photo of a bucket under a dripping tap. A second photo can then be taken during the day to show the amount of wasted water.

Slogen on water?

save water save life

What are slogans to save water?

Water is life! save water, save life!! Save water secure future! Water water everywhere, not a drop to drink! Conserve water, our life's on the brink! Todays rain water is tomorrows life saver ! Save water it will save you later!

How the govermant save water?

hi my name is linda how can we save water

Who should save water?

human being should save the water

Why do save water and the water that we save where do it go in the world?

We save water so there will b enough for everyone. What we save doesn't 'go' anywhere, it waits to be used by other people.

Slogans to save water?

water water every where but not a single drop to drink

What are some posters to save water?

One is "Save water: shower with your couple".

Any slogans related to water pollution?

save water! save life!

How do you save in Legend of Zelda Four swords on the GBA?

You'll be asked if you want to save after completing a stage. Press yes when the prompt comes up to save the game.

Write five slogans on your own on save water?

Walk in the desert then you will realize the cost of water. Save water,it will save you later. Waste the water today and live in the desert tomorrow.