

Why are we not allowed join facebook under 13?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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You really don't have to be over 13 to get a facebook. People just say that for no reason. Besides, there are children as young as 5 that have a facebook. I think that any child should have a facebook, and that any parents that don't let them have one is unfair.

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13y ago
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Q: Why are we not allowed join facebook under 13?
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You are not allowed to have a facebook if you are under 13. If you do have a Facebook when your under 13, You can be reported and banned from facebook.

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You have to be 13+ to join Facebook legally. If you join Facebook when you are under thirteen and are discovered your account will be terminated.

Age allowed to join Facebook?

you need to be 13... hope i helped :D

Is it legal for a child under 13 to be using facebook?

13+ years child are allowed to use Facebook.

Why is facebook only for people 13 and over?

I think facebook is very unsafe for under 13s.Do not join if you are 13 OR UNDER! If you do you may get upset, meet people who are older than you who are pretending to be your age and you may even get bullied.A 13 year old boy commited suicide because someone was bullying him on Facbook. So don't join if you are 13 OR UNDER.Thank not join facebook if you are 13 or under.

Can you have facebook if your age is 13?

Kids under 13 years of age are not allowed to use Facebook social networking website.

Can children under the age of 13 sign up for facebook?

no there not allowed

Is it illegal in Canada to join facebook if you are under 13?

not really but your lying which is illegal

Is there a Facebook like Facebook for 11 year olds?

There is no junior Facebook and on the Facebook website it tells you that you should not attempt to join Facebook if you are under 13 years old.

Is it illegal to have a Facebook account if you are under 13?

Facebook cannot offer accounts to those under the age of 13 without parental consent. However, as long as Facebook is told that the user has permission, Facebook can offer the webspace. Kids under 13 are not allowed to have a Facebook account (according to Facebook). There is a Site designed for kids that is similar to Facebook. But if the kids are getting a FB for just the games they can go to the games website and they can play there.

How many people under 16 have facebook?

2,000,000 kids have facebook and it is goin up right now