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it probably would take a while for them to "be born", so they would probably suffocate with their heads in the water so long

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Q: Why are whale calves born tail first?
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How is a baby whale born?

The gestation period for a whale is about 17 months. When the baby whale (calf) is born, it comes out head or tail first. The whale is a mammal, not a fish. Being a mammal means that the calf is born live not hatched out of an egg. The calf is born in the water.

What is a whale's tail called?

A whale's tail is called a fluke

What is special of the birth of a dolphin?

Calves are born in the water. Deliveries are usually tail-first, but head-first deliveries are also seen. The umbilical cord snaps during delivery.

How long is a whales tail?

depends on the whale a blue whale's tail is 30 feet and a gray whale's tail is 10 feet

How is a dolphin's baby born alive or hatch?

yes I would think that they were.. Most animals are because they must breath, then walk ( or swim, but flying comes later in life for birds), so I would think that they were born alive due to the fact that they need their life when they are first born.

One of the lobes of a whale's tail?

tooth whale

Which of these is the narrator's definition of a whale?

a whale is a spouting fish with a horizontal tail.

What is a peduncle on a whale?

The peduncle area on a whale, is from the Dorsal fin to the Tail.

How is a dophin born?

Dolphins are mammals and therefore give birth to live young. The gestation period for bottlenose dolphins is approximately 12 months, and calves are usually born tail first. The birth process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours.

What is a rudder on a whale?

the rudder on a whale is its tail or fins which allow the whale tom ove in any direction.

What is the slogan for whaling?

cut your tail not the whale

Where is the sense of touch in a whale's tail?

in the center