

Why are white tigers so popular?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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12y ago

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Probably because the White Bengal Tiger is so rare. Hope I helped!

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snow tigers are white so they can blend in

Are white tigers called snow tigers?

I believe so. if you type up 'snow tigers', the pictures are white tigers.

How many baby white tigers are born?

they are endangered so i think that not a lot of white tigers are born.

What do white tigers eat in captivity?

white tigers eat meat, so they will eat what ever they get from the people that feed them

What is the climate were white tigers live?

white tigers live in India so in India the climate is hot and tropical climate

When were white tiger created?

White Tigers are a genetic abnormality, so they could have appeared at anytime throughout the Tigers existence.

What is so special about the white tigers?

there colour is so spectacular

Why do white tigers sneeze?

I would think so.

Where do white Bengal tigers tend to live?

Bengal tigers live in India, so they are also called Indian tigers.

Why are white tigers close to extinction?

white tigers have been poached for hundreds of years, first for meat then the skins became popular for clothes and rugs also the habitat is being dominated by humans.

When did white tigers start becoming extint?

White tigers are not a separate type of subspecies of tiger they are simply genetically mutated tigers, so I guess never would be the best answer.

What animals are afraid of white tigers?

White tigers are so rare in the wild to make it almost entirely pointless to save a special fear for White tigers. But White tigers are still tigers, and tigers can certainly be dangerous for several species of animals. Tigers are one of the most dangerous animals on the planet so almost anything. Except other aggressive animals. tigers can even take down brown bears and crocodiles. however are often scared away by (venomous) snakes