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The x-ray image is formed when the x-rays travel through the patient onto the cassette. The x-ray cassette is made with a Gelatin, bariums, and crystals the light up when interacted with x-rays. Depending on how much of the x-ray is absorbed by your body, the cassette will light up in different brightnesses, causing certain parts of the film to become slightly exposed. A fully exposed x-ray film will appear black will appear black when processed, while one the hasn't been exposed in any light will show be very light, and only show the color of the film, which has a slight tint, and a properly used x-ray film will show black, white, and different shades of gray depending on the thickness of bones, and tissue mass.

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Susanna Doyle

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Q: Why are x rays black and white?
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What color is cancer on an x ray?

Cancer does not have an "actual" color on an x-ray. X-rays only show in black, white and grays. If you did have a mass of some sort it would show up as white.

Presence of black hole can be notify by the emission of ------- rays?

X-rays, mainly.

How are black holes most easily identifed?

Black holes do not emit light, so black holes can not be seen this way. But black holes emit X-rays, but stars are not hot enough to emit X-rays. When black holes suck up stars, energy goes to the black hole, and come out as X-rays.

How do people know that there was a blackhole if they don't see it?

Scientists can detect black holes by using x-rays and gamma rays. Black holes still can release matter, and black holes give off a lot off x and gamma rays.

How can an event horizon of a black hole generate X-rays?

It doesn't. The X-rays we detect from black holes are generated by superheated matter before it crosses the event horizon.

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X-rays are the best band for studying black holes as the radiations emitted by the black hole is X-rays so we can expect the presence of a black hole anywhere in the Universe.

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If matter falls into a black hole, it will be accelerated so much that it will emit x-rays. These are emitted before the matter reaches the event horizon, that is, before it is "inside" the black hole. Any x-rays emitted after the matter passes the event horizon will stay inside.

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Why are X-rays black and white?

The x-ray image is formed when the x-rays travel through the patient onto the cassette. The x-ray cassette is made with a gelatin, bariums, and crystals the light up when interacted with x-rays. Depending on how much of the x-ray is absorbed by your body, the cassette will light up in different brightnesses, causing certain parts of the film to become slightly exposed. A fully exposed x-ray film will appear black will appear black when processed, while one the hasn't been exposed in any light will show be very light, and only show the color of the film, which has a slight tint, and a properly used x-ray film will show black, white, and different shades of gray depending on the thickness of bones, and tissue mass.

What inventions did Stephen Hawking use to discover that black holes have X-rays and gamma-rays in them?

Math...... Math...... and more Math...... You can use math to mathematically represent data such as X-Rays and Gamma Rays.

How do you spot a black hole?

you can only spot then trough X-rays

Why white roof keeps a house cooler as against black roof?

Because white reflects heat whilst black absorbs it therefore a white roof will keep the house cooler as the suns rays will bounce back off of it whereas a black roof will absorb the suns rays.