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First of all, of course you would know Japan is an Asian country and Asian girls bodies are way different compare to other race. Based on your question, I'm assuming you're wondering why 110 lbs (49/50 kg) is fat because you're probably comparing it to the Western woman. Not just Japanese girls but most Asian girls are likely to be shorter and slimmer than a Caucasian girl. If an Asian girl is 5'5 which would be consider average I guess but still a bit short because she's Asian, and if she weighs 110 lbs, she's not too fat BUT she is visibly chubby.

Specifically in Japan, if you look at girl's magazine in the health section, they usually post before and after results. Example, girl weigh 50 kg with a photo of her slightly chubby and after result she is now 44 kg with a much slimmer appearance. Even if her overall body is not fat, she just have extra bits hanging out, and nobody likes muffin tops =]

Source: I'm an Asian girl

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