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It depends on how long you've been using them, but generally if you've been using long enough to become tolerant without constant headaches and other side-effects, then it's likely your getting headaches from increased dosage regulation.

Duragesic and other Fentanyl patches are regulated by body heat; normal dosage is transferred through the skin to the bloodstream when the body's temperature is normal. However, if the patient becomes overheated (fever, sunlight exposure, increased activity) the dosage regulation increases, and so does the side-effects. Along with headaches, if the dosage gets high enough (no pun intended), you'll also feel dizzy, disoriented, and sweaty. That's why the literature specifically tells you to keep the patch from direct sunlight or heating pads.

It is not something to take lightly if this is what's happening; the easiest way to deal with it is to take the patch off (by the edges, and don't fold it - you can re-attach it later) and cool yourself off inside and out to get your temp back to normal.

If this isn't what's happening to you (you'll know if it is or isn't) then I'd suspect either another drug you're using in combination with the patch. You have to be opiate tolerant to be prescribed Fentanyl anyway, so if you've not had problems with other opiates it's unlikely the patch is the culprit. The key is whether or not your headache is constant or occasional; if it's constant, the patch could be contributing. If not, then you need to look at what you've taken prior to the headache. Keep in mind also that Fentanyl won't deal with a headache; even as high dosages as I've used, I still got serious migraines, and had to use Fiorinal w/ Codeine to deal with them (been using it for over 20 years).

On another note, there's always the possibility if you're using a generic patch that it's the patch ingredients themselves. Generics are "chemically equivalent", bu they're not always "quality equivalent" to the brand name. I've had problems in the past with both generic patches (when they first came out I had been a Duragesic patient for about 8 years) and generic Percocet as well. To this day, I always pay more for brand meds, because I know the quality and potency will be what I'm used to. For long term opiate patients, drug consistency is a bigger deal than doctors tell you.

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