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Either you are having periods, or you have a serious medical problem and need to see a doctor. It could mean that you have internal bleeding around the waist, or in your stomach area. It is important to go see a doctor soon, or talk to your parents.

It depends on what kind of cramps and where you are bleeding from. If they are menstrual cramps, you should not be having a period every few days, and you need to see a gynecologist. If they are intestinal cramps, and you're seeing blood in your bowel movements, you need to see a gastrointestinal doctor soon. Since these are both potentially serious, I suggest you get off the computer and talk to a trusted adult.

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Q: Why are you getting pains in lower stomach and bleeding every few days?
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What are the major causes of gastrointestinal bleeding?

Gastrointestinal bleeding can be caused by bleeding in the any part of the upper and lower GI tracts. It can also be caused by hemorrhoids, colon or stomach cancer, and gastric ulcers.

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Haha Nope. (;

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lower abdomen

How can you tell if your getting your period?

you start to feel your lower abdomen ache and crampy.. and you start bleeding!

Why does my lower stomach hurt?

sometimes when your sick, your lower stomach hurts or because you've been exercising your abs a lot. most likely is, if your a girl, that its cramps from your time of the month

I have bad stomach pains been sick every day for a week my stomach is very swollen and pain in my lower back?

If you also have cramps in the stomach the chances are very much there that you are pregnant.

What muscle is located at the upper and lower end of our stomach?

Both the upper and lower ends of the stomach have a sphincter that regulates flow into and out of the stomach. The lower esophageal sphincter is at the top of the stomach, and the pyloric sphincter is at the lower end of the stomach.

If you are getting real bad pains in your lower stomach what does that mean?

Might be Morning sickness, but I don't know all of your symptoms.

9 weeks pregnant and getting lower back and stomach pain?

Im 9wks2days lower back pain since 6wks, now stomach pains. Was told its normal, possibly round ligament pains or maybe simply gas lol.

Where do you get period pains?

A little under your stomach by your bellybutton

You stopped taking pills three days ago and now you have bad lower stomach pain and bleeding what does this mean?

to be honest this sounds like the regular bleeding you are supposed to have on your "off week" or your "sugar week" when you miss a pill or a patch you will spot.. and if you stop completely you will have a regular period.