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Everything is a whole lot more sensitive during pregnancy because of the increased volume of blood everywhere in your body not to mention your body is getting ready to give birth so if your partner is hitting your cervix during intercourse that would be why sex is a little painful for you because you are probably beginning to efface or dialate.

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14y ago

Your vagina is preparing for childbirth. The pain you are feeling is normal and it is the musculature stretching...also, you may be experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions which can refer to the vagina. Braxton Hicks are also normal. However, if you find that the pain is occurring often and is becoming greater in intensity, it is recommended that you visit your local ER as you may be in labor.

However, there are other signs such as the bloody show, water break, loss of mucus plug, intense contractions--but really, follow your instinct--you know your body best. At being at 37 weeks, you are due for one more appointment. Ask about the pain at your visit.

You are almost there!

Danni Donkey

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12y ago

Yes its normal. As long as there is no major bleeding. Spotting is normal at this point to. U may also start to feel pain in ur pelvic bone. Its just ur joints loosening up. Ur pelvis isn't actually one peice so it can widen, but it will cause some aching feelings.

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Q: Why are you having pain in your vagina at 37 weeks pregnant?
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This is not a diagnostic site for illness, disease or injury. Go see a medical practitioner.

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