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To me it means there is something wrong with the gene pool. I see this with animals (mostly the cats around my area) that have inbred for generations - their eyes are really close together and they generally do not have stellar survival skills. I could be wrong, but unconsciously that is what goes on in the back of my head. That there is something wrong with that individual. Also I think if something is unsettling to me about a person, whether it be appearance or mannerism, that I should heed that warning. The standard of beauty has not changed much throughout human evolution, and our race has always valued that which is well made. It doesn't matter if the arrowhead is black or grey, or the painting is of a pond or a battle, or the person is slim or curvy - they are beautiful/valuable because they are well made. When I see a face that unsettles me, that I cannot find attractive, it speaks to me how well made it is. If someone's face isn't well made, then what about the rest of them? Could they survive outside of our modern conveniences? How good is their genetic stock for procreation? Who knows? But I listen to my instincts, they are there for a reason.

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Q: Why are you wary of people with their eyes too close together?
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The Signs And symptoms of Angina Pectoris?

Chest pains, and may include shortness of breath and loss of energy. Next answer: True, but also angina means 'throat', thus angina pectoris is pain up the throat. Also, be wary of pain in your jaw, pain radiating down from your left shoulder, and even pain in your right neck and shoulder. By the way, see a doctor!

Cat bite during pregnancy?

A cat bite during pregnancy should be taken seriously due to the risk of infection. It is important to thoroughly clean the wound with soap and water, apply an antiseptic, and seek medical advice promptly. Depending on the severity of the bite, your healthcare provider may recommend further treatment to prevent any complications for you and the baby.

Can you use eye drops when pregnant?

It depends on what the eyedrops are for. If they are simply to wet the eye to compensate for affected tear duct flow then you are probably safe. However if they have any kind of medicinal function then you should check either the CONTRAINDICATIONS that should be packaged with the product or else look it up on the Net. However the safest course of action during pregnancy is to be extremely wary of any foreign substances or medications and always check the leaflet or packaging for warnings about use during pregnancy or ask your local pharmacist at the nearest drugstore because they are often better informed about the medicines they dispense than a doctor is.

What are three myths about evolution through natural selection?

Answer: Many, even the majority, who follow Darwinian evolution by natural selection would not agree that there are any myths connected with it. That said, real science, with solid evidence to back it up would produce a number of possible answers to this question: 1. Natural selection does not explain the adding of new genetic information into the genome of organisms that enable the changes that evolution believes happen such as the change from dinosaurs into birds. this has never been demonstrated scientifically. Famous evolutionist Richard Dawkins was asked about this issue some years ago and had no answer, no example of an information adding mutation. So this is one 'natural selection myth.' 2. Another seeming "myth" -Natural selection culls out the sick and the weak -the work done by predators. In fact scientific studies on the 'chase-kill response' in predators shows they prefer to attack healthy individuals. We are here talking about predators such as lions, tigers, cheetahs etc. and their prey. This may be that they are attracted to a chase which is not provided by a sick or weak prey and they may also be wary of disease in weak individuals, which also may not provide a good lot of meat they are after. 3. Another myth (assuming we are talking about the modern evolutionary synthesis which includes mutations) is that mutations actually provide new information -they in fact are shown in modern studies to be degrading the genome. this is particularly shown to be so in humans -probably the most studied of the 'higher organisms". Human geneticists are agreed that the human genome is degrading not getting better, through mutations. This is because by far the majority of mutations are of small effect and so are not 'noticed' by natural selection. This effectively means the human genome is deteriorating like rust accumulates on a car over time.

It is said that a good predator-prey relationship keeps the two populations in balance what does this mean?

On a simple level the population sizes of predators and prey will oscillate up and down slightly out of sync with each other. Imagine Rabbits and foxes. 1. Foxes will eat many rabbits and rabbit numbers will decrease 2. Foxes begin to run out of food and so will start to die of hunger and so the numbers of the foxes will decrease. 3. As numbers of foxes decrease, less foxes are eating the rabbits, the rabbits can breed and increase their numbers. 4. Foxes have more food again and start eating the rabbits, they increase in number as the rabbit population falls again and so the cycle continues. If you google predator-prey population diagram, you will see the populations between predators and preys oscillate most of the time. The predator eats the prey. However, the predator doesn't necessary have an easy life of it. There are always more prey animals than predators, and some of them have developed aggressive defenses to avoid being eaten. Some creatures, while technically prey, are effectively immune to predation except as infants or old and sick. These include elephants, musk oxen and skunks. It's a sort of biological arms race. As prey become faster, more dangerous and more alert, predators have to become faster and sneakier. One of Aesop's fable illustrates a predator-prey relationship. A dog fails to catch a rabbit and a man mocks him for being so much bigger and still losing. The dog replies (animals can talk in fables): "Remember, I was running for my dinner, but the rabbit was running for its life." It describes the relationship between the two, such as the tendency for prey to be much more wary around a predator, even if they are not hungry; or for a predator that is not hungry to chase prey that runs. A Dominant/submissive relationship.