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The answer to this is layered, but here it is in a nut shell, or one theory anyways. When adolescents (onset of puberty-early 20's) have problems they deal with them in different ways. Boys are more likely to show behavioral problems because they externalize their issues, and girls are more likely to suffer from depression because they internalize their issues. That said, when a male does suffer from depression, he is more likely to go through with the act of suicide if suicidal thoughts are present. This does not mean that those thoughts are more common in males by no means, but because males are quicker to action, this applies to suicidal thoughts as well. Also, if you separate attempts from actual suicides, there is a difference because boys are more likely to use a more dramatic and serious means to kill themselves than girls do.

Now that answered only the gender part, the age is because adolescents are very centered on self, and when they have problems, it is hard for them to put them in a rational perspective as an adult might be able to. fMRI scans reveal that young people actually use a different part of their brain than adults, the more emotional part, for decision making. Something that may seem trivial to an adult because we have a broader outlook, can seem detrimental to a young person because the mixture of the hormonal surges and lack of experience. Hope this helps!

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Q: Why are young males more prone to suicide?
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