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Technically, they are multi-gastric from birth, but the other three stomachs haven't started processing food until a few weeks after birth. Yes, all ruminants (animals that, in short, eat grass, digest it in one stomach, vomit it back up, chew it some more, then send it to a different stomach. In cows this is known collectively as "Chewing it's Cud") have four stomachs. Not in any particular order, they are known as the Rumen, Omasum, Ribomasum, and Reticulum.

Answered by PHYSICSguru

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Q: Why are young ruminants said to be monogastric?
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What type is a llamas a ruminant or a monogastric?

Llamas are ruminants

Why is the diet different between monogastric and ruminants?

i have no idea someone tell me

Is a deer a monogastric or ruminant?

Yes, the horse has only one true stomach compartment, but they are actually pseudoruminants because they have an enlarged cecum.

What are the major differences in nutritional requirements of ruminants and non-ruminants?

The major difference is protein sources. Ruminants require less protein than non-ruminants, and consequently require more fibre in their diet than non-ruminants. Non-ruminants cannot digest fibre and cellulose nearly as well as ruminants can, and thus need higher concentrate feedstuffs to actually do well.

Is a rabbit a pseudoruminant?

No. Camelids like alpacas, llamas and camels are pseudo-ruminants because they have the same foregut-fermentor activity as true ruminants do, but lack the rumen, since they only have three chambers in their stomach, not four. Rabbits are not considered pseudo-ruminants because they have a simple stomach and don't chew cud like pseudo-ruminants and ruminants do--even re-eating their feces doesn't even count as classifying a rabbit as a psuedo-ruminant. Thus they are simply hind-gut fermentors, and a monogastric.

What herbivores live in the grasslands?

Most herbivores that live in a grassland are those that are ruminants (fore-gut fermenters), psuedo-ruminants, and hind-gut fermenters.Ruminants include:cattlebisonbuffaloyakantelopepronghorndeerwildebeestgoatssheepPsuedo-ruminants include:camelsalpacasllamasHind-gut fermenters (monogastric true herbivores) include:horsesponieszebrasburros/donkeysrabbitshares

Is the cheetah monogastric or ruminant?


Are horses ruminants?

No. Horses are hind-gut fermentors. They have a monogastric (single-chambered stomach), but a very large cecum where the small intestine joins onto the large intestine. This is where most of the fermentation takes place.

What is the primary feature of a monogastric animal?

Monogastric means "one stomach".

Are camels ruminants?

No, ruminants are those animals like cows which regurgitate their food and chew it, then swallow it again for further digestion. Elephants don't do this, their food passes straight through the alimentary canal as ours does.

Are roosters monogastric?

no they are not

What is a single animation called?

Monogastric; having and using one stomach is called monogastric digestion.