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Q: Why aren't mountain ranges or polar ice cap classified as biomes?
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Why arent ice caps or mountains considered biomes?

Ice caps and mountains are not considered biomes because they are part of the biomes. For example the mountains are high up so they are cold which means that it's biome would be grassland or tundra, depending on where it is located. Ice caps are located in other physical features like mountains, oceans, glaciers, etc. so its biome would be tundra. So basically overall biomes just describe the climate or environment of a place and mountains and ice caps are actual places therefore they cannot be biomes.

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They were, in the past. Or at least some of them. The people who decided to place them in a separate kingdom decided that there were significant difference between bacteria and plants.

Are there any mountain ranges in new brunswick Canada?

"Maybe there are, maybe there arent"...okay then... There are, New Brunswick is almost fully in the Appalachian Mountain range (and a few of it's smaller ranges like the Caledonian range, that's near my home). The closer you get to Nova Scotia the flatter and more open the land becomes- the land just before you get to NS is absolutley flat and very windy. Here's the URL of a picture I took yesterday of some of the mountains around my home in NB- we hiked one yesterday and took some pictures from the top.

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yes diffferent animals live in different biomes. tundras are cold, so there arent many plants. tundra animals will need to eat animals or plants that actulaly live there. yes it depends on the climate and animals/plants that live there

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