

Why aren't teeth bones for kids?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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because they don't develop when you are a kid. they form as you are growing and they are most likely finished developing at the ages 20-24. some people develop their teeth bones early, some late. hope this helped.

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Q: Why aren't teeth bones for kids?
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Why are teeth not bones?

No, teeth aren't bones.

Is teeth have bones too?

Yes. Teeth are actually bones!

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teeeth arent as strong as your bones so a bone and a tooth are completely different plus if you take the weight through a bone and a tooth a bone is heaveyer bones only dissolve because there giving out on you teeth don't dissolve because there in a peat bog.

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Approximately 99% of the body's calcium is stored in the teeth and bones. This mineral is essential for maintaining the structure and strength of these tissues.

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short bones, probably. They aren't long bones. They arent irregular or flat either.

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No,because teeth are bones,people don't have hair on their bones.

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Calcium (Ca) is that mineral which builds bones and teeth.

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No, teeth are bones.

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Teeth are bones.

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because it has calcium in it which is good for our bones and teeth.