

Why atomic number of different elements are different?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Because different elements have different numbers of protons, which determines the atomic number.

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Q: Why atomic number of different elements are different?
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Atomic number is unique. It cannot be same for different elements.

A difference in the atomic number of atoms means the atoms are of same or diffierent elements?

Different atomic numbers represent different elements.

What happens where two elements have the same atomic number?

No two different elements can have the same atomic number.

Do different elements have the same atomic number?

No, each atomic number is unique to a single element.

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isobars are elements with same mass numbers (Atomic Mass) and different atomic number (number of proton or electron)

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What same elements have the same atomic number?

though your question is unclear, each element has its own atomic number. every sample of Sulfur (S) that exists has the atomic number of 16. No different elements share the same atomic number.

What element has the Same atomic number but different number of neutrons?

Almost all the elements have different isotopes having same atomic no but different mass no or neutrons.

What has different atomic masses?

Different atoms and elements that have different number of protns, neutrons and electrons.Duh!

Are elements different from other elements?

Yes, elements all have a different amount of protons in their atoms (number of protons = atomic number), but some elements have similar properties. For instance, the alkali metals all react in water, getting more violent as the atomic number gets higher.

Why is atomic number better than atomic mass for organizing the elements in the periodic table?

Atomic number is a unique number for each element. No two elements have the same atomic number. Atomic number is also the number of protons in the nuclei of the atoms of any given atom. Atomic mass, however, is the number of protons, neutrons and electrons. The number of neutrons can vary with different isotopes of the same element, this means that atomic mass can vary with different isotopes. So atomic number does not vary, but atomic mass does, so it is more logical to use atomic number to organize the elements. In addition, when the elements are arranged according to atomic number into seven rows and 18 columns, it becomes evident that there are certain trends that occur across the periods, and that elements in the same group have similar properties.

What number is used to identify different elements on the periodic table?

atomic number (or number of protons)