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because different denominations have different beliefs in god :P

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Q: Why baptism is different from other denominations?
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Does every denominations have a font?

Not every denomination has a physical font, which is a basin used for baptisms. Some denominations use other methods or spaces for baptism, such as immersion in a pool or baptism in a natural body of water.

Is baptism by immersion the only way to be saved?

Different Christian denominations have different beliefs about baptism. Some believe that baptism by immersion is the only valid form of baptism, while others accept other modes, such as pouring or sprinkling. Ultimately, most Christians believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, rather than the specific mode of baptism.

What type of churches use baptistry?

Many different denominations use baptism and thus the "baptistry". Most common is the "Baptist" denomination, however, you will find that most protestant denominations baptise.

Can you use anything else instead of water for Baptism?

The Rite of Baptism in most Christian churches involves Holy (blessed) Water and Holy (blessed) Water. Some denominations use springs or streams, or even a bathtub filled with water--these are blessed by the clergy just before the Baptism. Full immersion (indoor or outdoor) for adult Baptism is practiced in many denominations; other denominations use a Baptismal font (especially for infant Baptism) or sprinkling of Holy Water on the person's forehead.For example, a disabled child or bedridden adult would not be denied Baptism just because they cannot be dunked or immersed in water. The Rite of Baptism is not to exclude, but to include people into the Family of God.

Does the Anglican church recognize baptism in other christian denominations?

Yes. However, the Baptism must be Trinitarian (In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), with the same understanding of the Trinity as the Catholic Church (that the Trinity is three different Persons, but one God), and done with water (either by immersion, pouring, or sprinkling)

What is the difference between baptism and sprinkling?

Baptism typically involves full immersion in water, symbolizing a cleansing and rebirth of the individual's faith. Sprinkling, on the other hand, involves sprinkling water on the individual's head as a symbol of purification and blessing. Both practices are common in various Christian denominations.

Which religion accepts sprinkling baptism?

Catholics accept sprinkling baptism across the board. Some protestant denominations do as well, such as Lutherans, Methodists, and Episcopalians.

Is there a non-catholic baptism?

Yes. Many notable denominations of the Christian church practice the sanction of baptism. Among them are the Episcopal, Baptist, and Lutheran churches.

Are all those who are baptized and follow Jesus?

Most people do get baptised when they accept Christ as their Savior. Different denominations have differing rituals and or methods by which they go about the baptism. Baptism comes after conviction of sin, repentance of sin, confession of Christ as Lord and Savior.

What does baptism and comformation mean?

It depends on the denomination. In some denominations, baptism is done to babies and in others only to older children or adults. It is done either by immersing the person in water or pouring water over their head. This symbolizes their being reborn in Christ and means that they are officially a Christian. Some denominations do not require baptism and others do. Not all denominations perform confirmation. In denominations that baptize babies, confirmation typically happens later, as an older child or adult. In denominations that baptize older children and adults, confirmation usually takes place shortly after baptism. How confirmation is done and what it means varies from denomination to denomination. It is usually done by the laying on of hands, sometimes after being annointed with oil. It is seen as a sealing of the baptism or as a coming of age ceremony. Some denominations also believe that after being confirmed, a person has the right to receive spiritual gifts and personal guidance from God.

What is the thing called when a baby get sprinkled with three times?

This is called baptism in churches that perform this on babies, although its validity as qualifying as the ritual of baptism is questioned by some denominations.

Do other religions celebrate confirmation?

Most Christian denominations have Confirmation. However, in Orthodox Christianity, a child is Confirmed right after Baptism, & in some Protestant Churches, it is not recognized as a Sacrament.