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The immersion of baptism is symbolic; it symbolises someone being totally washed by the blood of christ. I think that it is better to have a complete spiritual immersion and it doesn't really matter if baptism is full immersion or not. Baptism is merely a physical desicion that you want to be washed clean by christ so yeah, i dont think there is anything different from a full imersion and a half-immersion.

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Q: Why baptism should be by full immersion?
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What is the difference between baptism and sprinkling?

Baptism typically involves full immersion in water, symbolizing a cleansing and rebirth of the individual's faith. Sprinkling, on the other hand, involves sprinkling water on the individual's head as a symbol of purification and blessing. Both practices are common in various Christian denominations.

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Jews do not have baptism. It is a Christian observance.

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You should be baptized by immersion as an outward sign of your inward faith.

Why do you believe baptism is by immersion?

To give whole self god

What is the different viewpoint of baptism?

The Orthodox Church believes in baptism by triple immersion in water. It does not allow sprinkling or aspersion.

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It is called immersion.

How do you relate the baptism by immersion and resurrection of jesus?

Read Romans 6

Why is it important that you be baptized by immersion?

Because, as the Bible says, we are "buried with Him by baptism unto death". Immersion is the representation of being buried in the earth.

How did Jesus say his disciples should baptize people?

Full water immersion

How is baptism celebrated now?

Usually by sprinkling water on the head or by immersion in water.

Why does the Catholic church no longer baptize by immersion?

Sometimes, nowadays, the Roman Catholic Church actually does baptize by immersion. It has been an option since liturgical reforms after the Second Vatican Council, and many churches built or remodeled since then have rather large baptismal fonts precisely for Baptism by immersion. Nonetheless, in most places, Baptism by immersion is not very popular in Catholic Churches, as opposed to Baptism by pouring water on the head. Probably Baptism by immersion fell into disuse in the Catholic Church because it is messy, and dry-cleaning silk vestments after they have been immersed in water can be impossible, or at least expensive. Plus, many people, especially in colder countries have regarded baptism by immersion as unhealthy for themselves and their infant children. It is interesting to note that not all Catholics are Roman Catholics, and that Eastern Rite Catholics never stopped baptizing by immersion.

What age do people get adult baptism?

Same way as infants with water poured over head. Some churches will do full immersion, where the adult enters a pool knee to waist deep and their full body is dunked.