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The follicles where the hair grows stops producing pigment.

no pigmentation

Their bodies stop producing melanin (a pigment chemical). A good analogy would be that the dye stops getting made and added to the cloth, so it comes out in its rough colour.
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Q: Why does your hair become white when you become old?
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What is old are you?

Old is when you become more lazy and gorw white hair. In other words when you grow up.80

Why hairs become white in young ages?

why white hair become in the beard

Why hair become white?

hair becomes white when u get stressed!so calm down!:D

How do you reduce white hair?

You cant reduce white hair. but you can die it! the reasons for white hair can be stress or just old age!

One white hair found in a 3 year old boy?

This is just natural if it is a white hair.

Why is mccains hair white?

He's old, and senior citizens often have gray hair.

Is it any medical solution to cure white hair into black?

Hi everybody, don't worry about white hairs there is a solution for white hairs now this is an ayurvedic hair oil and it is prepared with ayurvedic medicine. This oil can change your hair into black hair permanently any age and any sex can use this oil .hair become black for permanent .no need to use hair dye and hair colors .no side effects .no dandruff .hair fall will be controlled .hair become very strong .lean hair become thick .hair become soft and silky if any one interested then get back to me regards krishna +91 09949693167

Which person is most likely to have white hair?

An old person

what does the old man with his hair as white as snow mean?


Do you get white hair when you get old?

usually! but Ronald Reagan had brown hair until he died, but the answer is usually! (:

What color hair did ben franklyn have?

ben franklyn had brow hair but when he grew old his hair became white/gray

How can the hair turn white when you get old?

when you get old your body will start depleting. your body is selfish. so hair color is usless energy. i think the hair is used for reproduction.