


Hair Loss and Treatment

Hair loss can be detrimental to self-esteem but is a fact of life for many people. Ask questions here about how to treat hair loss in both males and females.

2,544 Questions

Can you put wave nouveau on top of a perm or relaxer?

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Asked by Wiki User

NO, NO, NO, NO!!!! Your hair will SERIOUSLY break off and become damaged. The only way to put in a wave nouveau "on top" of a relaxer is to cut out or grow out the relaxer first. PERIOD. Anyone who tells you that it is possible is not the person to do your hair. Ask any professional hair stylist. If they're in any way a good stylist they will know this basic rule concerning a wave nouveau. NO, NO, NO, NO!!!! Your hair will SERIOUSLY break off and become damaged. The only way to put in a wave nouveau "on top" of a relaxer is to cut out or grow out the relaxer first. PERIOD. Anyone who tells you that it is possible is not the person to do your hair. Ask any professional hair stylist. If they're in any way a good stylist they will know this basic rule concerning a wave nouveau.

What are the main causes of sensory loss?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main causes of sensory loss include nerve damage (neuropathy), aging (presbycusis and presbyopia), traumatic injury, infections (like meningitis), exposure to toxins or medications, and chronic conditions like diabetes or multiple sclerosis. Each of these factors can affect the function of sensory organs such as the eyes, ears, skin, or nerves, leading to impaired sensory perception.

What happens when you a piece of your hair turns silver?

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When a piece of your hair turns silver, it means that the pigment cells in that hair follicle have stopped producing melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color. This can happen naturally with age or due to a variety of reasons such as stress, genetics, or medical conditions.

Does the nose continue to grow until death?

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Yes, the nose and ears may appear to grow larger with age due to changes in skin elasticity and the effects of gravity on the tissues. This can give the appearance of continued growth, although the actual growth of the nose itself stops once a person reaches adulthood.

Is it possible to get smooth hair if your hair is naturally frizzy?

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Asked by Answerman1621

Yes, it is possible to achieve smoother hair even if it is naturally frizzy. Using smoothing or anti-frizz hair products, using heat styling tools such as flat irons or blow dryers with a diffuser, and getting regular hair trims to remove split ends can all help to make your hair appear smoother and more manageable.

Does your hair fall out from lack of vitamin D?

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Yes, vitamin D deficiency can contribute to hair loss. Vitamin D plays a role in stimulating hair follicles, and its deficiency may lead to hair thinning or even hair loss. However, hair loss can also be caused by other factors, so it's important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How long does koolaid last in your hair?

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Kool-Aid can last in your hair for a few days to a few weeks, depending on the individual's hair type, color, and how it was applied. Over time, the color may fade or wash out with repeated shampooing.

If you put red hair dye over light brown hair what colour hair will you end up with?

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Asked by Wiki User

You will likely end up with a reddish-brown hair color, as the red dye will mix with the existing light brown base. The end result may vary depending on the specific shades of brown and red used.

Can the rubbing alcohol be used mixed with cayenne pepper and rubbed on the head to prevent baldness?

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There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that rubbing alcohol mixed with cayenne pepper can prevent baldness. It is best to consult a healthcare professional for approved methods and treatments to address hair loss concerns.

How young can male pattern baldness occur?

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Male pattern baldness can begin as early as the late teens or early 20s, but it is more commonly seen in men in their 30s and 40s. The exact age of onset can vary depending on genetics and other factors.

What does carotene do to your hair?

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Carotene is a pigment found in some fruits and vegetables that can give your hair a slightly orange or yellow tint. Eating foods rich in carotene, such as carrots and sweet potatoes, may contribute to healthier hair by providing essential nutrients for hair strength and growth.

Can your hair fall out if you are not on your period?

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Yes, hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons unrelated to your menstrual cycle, such as stress, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, or health conditions. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider if you are experiencing unexpected or significant hair loss.

Is it possible to get permanent straight hair?

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Yes, permanent straightening treatments such as keratin treatments and Japanese straightening can help achieve straight hair for an extended period of time. These treatments chemically alter the hair structure, though touch-ups may be needed as new hair growth occurs.

Is there a dandruff gene?

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Asked by Anyoption

Yes, there is no specific "dandruff gene." Dandruff is believed to be caused by a combination of factors including a specific type of fungus on the scalp, overactive oil glands, and individual genetic predispositions.

Why do living things need nutrients?

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Living things need nutrients to provide energy for cellular functions, support growth and repair of tissues, and maintain overall health and function of the body. Nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, are essential for various biological processes, including metabolism, immunity, and reproduction. Without adequate nutrients, organisms would not be able to survive or carry out vital functions.

What are the different hair types for different races?

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Hair types can vary within races, but broadly speaking, people of African descent typically have hair that is tightly coiled or curly. People of European descent often have straight or wavy hair. Asian descent individuals can have straight hair, but there are also variations like wavy or thick hair. These are generalizations and there is a wide range of hair types within each racial group.

What is ligaments tare?

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A ligament tear is a common sports injury where the tough bands of connective tissue that connect bones at a joint become overstretched or damaged. This can result in pain, instability, and loss of normal joint function. Treatment typically involves rest, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgical repair.

What is the desert nutrient cycle?

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The desert nutrient cycle involves the movement and recycling of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the desert ecosystem. Nutrients are primarily recycled through decomposers breaking down organic matter like plants and animals, releasing nutrients back into the soil for new plant growth. Water scarcity in deserts can slow down nutrient cycling processes compared to other ecosystems.

Can a black haired and a red haired American have a red headed baby?

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Yes, it is possible for a black-haired and a red-haired American to have a red-headed baby. Genetic inheritance, specifically the presence of a recessive red hair gene from either parent, can result in the child having red hair.

What is the best DHT blocker?

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Finasteride and Dutasteride are commonly prescribed medications for blocking DHT in the treatment of conditions like hair loss and benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, the "best" blocker can vary depending on individual health factors, so it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate option for your specific needs.

How do you decrease the DHT-dihydrotestosterone from the body?

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Asked by Wiki User

To lower DHT levels in the body, you can consider taking supplements like saw palmetto or stinging nettle root, incorporating foods rich in antioxidants and zinc into your diet, reducing stress levels, and avoiding products or behaviors that can increase DHT production, such as anabolic steroids or excessive alcohol consumption. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your DHT levels.

Can shock make your hair white?

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Asked by Wiki User

Extreme stress or trauma can cause a condition called "poliosis," in which hair can turn white due to a loss of pigmentation. While undergoing a shocking experience may not directly cause hair to turn white, long-term stress or trauma could potentially contribute to this condition in some cases.

When was shampoo invented?

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Asked by Wiki User

Shampoo dates back to ancient civilizations, with evidence of early hair cleansing practices found in regions like India, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. The modern liquid shampoo that we use today was first introduced in the early 20th century, with the first commercially available shampoo being created in the 1920s by a German chemist named Hans Schwarzkopf.

The pattern created in a horse's coat where hairs change their direction of growth is called a what?

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The pattern created in a horse's coat where hairs change their direction of growth is called a "whorl." These whorls can be used to identify individual horses, similar to a fingerprint in humans.

What could be signs that hormones are raging on a 14 year old boy?

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Signs of hormone changes in a 14-year-old boy may include sudden mood swings, increased aggression, acne breakouts, body odor, growth spurts, and development of facial hair. It is also common for boys to experience changes in voice and increased sexual urges due to the surge in testosterone levels.