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Because in Benzylamine : the unshared lone pair of electron on nitrogen atom isavailable >.. But in n-ethyl aniline: the unshared lone pair of electron is not available and enter resonance with benzene ring .(Villa)

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Alkyl Amine is more basic than ammonia because of the +I effect of the Alkyl group present. It donates its electron cloud to the nitrogen group therefore nitrogen has a greater tendency to donate it lone pair of electrons. This makes it more basic than ammonia where such a positive inductive effect is abscent.

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Q: Why benzyl amine is more basic than n-ethyl aniline?
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Strength of bases is related to the ease of accepting a proton which inturn depends on the availability of electron pair on the nitrogen atom (or some other basic atom). More is the availability of electron pair, more easily the proton will be accepted and more will be the basic strength.Aniline is a weaker base than ammonia or cyclohexylamine. It is because of the fact that the electron pair on nitrogen is involved in delocalization, making it less available for donation.

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Methyl amine is more basic than trimethyl amine because it is more stable. Basicity is based on the stability of a compound as well as the availability of the hydrogens present. With three methyl groups are far more unstable than one methyl group on a nitrogen, since all of the protons are pushing away from one another.

What color will aniline turn litmus paper?

Aneline is basic,so litmus color is changed into blue