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the male birds need the brightly colored feathers to attract the females and show that they are healthy specimens. the females do not need the bright coloring because it would make it difficult to camouflage while nesting.

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Q: Why birds of paradise males have beautiful feathers and not female?
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Which birds are known for their beautiful tail feathers?

The Birds-of-paradise and peacocks are known for beautiful tails.

Which type of bird has beautiful feathers?

Many many birds have beautiful feathers but one of the most common beautiful birds is the peacock.

What birds have beautiful feathers?


Is the red bird of paradise endangered?

The birds of paradise are on the endangered animal list, you are correct. Why? Because of their beautiful feathers and color, the are killed for the making of clothing. Also, the natives use their feathers for the cheifs head band, which has at about 50 different feathers and at least 100 feathers in total for his clothing. In addition, the rest of the natives have a minimum of 5 feathers per person. It would sugh a sad thing if such beautiful and marvelous birds went extinct.

Which bird has bueatiful feathers?

Many birds have beautiful feathers. Peacock Toucan Swan Pigeon

Which bird is the most beautiful bird of all the birds?

The Bird of Paradise is a very beautiful bird.

What are birds of paradise?

Types of birds with extraordinarily beautiful plumage that are found on the Island of Papua New Guinea

What bird has the prettiest feathers?

The flying condogs which is native to Lithuania

What are birds plumage?

Plumage is what you would call a bird feathers. For example, the peacock has very beautiful, and colorful plumage.

Do birds' feathers make them attractive?

Yes. Afeatherless bird would not be attractive to other birds or to humans. It's the feathers that attract their mates to them. But it's usually the male birds that have the more colorful and fuller plumage. The feathers are also what makes them so beautiful to people, too.

What coluors are pheasants?

Pheasants are quite beautiful birds. The female pheasants are a speckled tan brown with black feathers underneath. The male pheasants have a shiny blue-green head with a gray-brown body.

What is the summary of birds of paradise by Christina rossetti?

It actually means that birds are beautiful creatures on this earth The way they fly the way they look the way the chirp - krithika