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This answer may not be too technical but you will get the general concept.

Generally buoyant force is the force which help the objects to float in fluids which includes water and air without sinking. From this its clear that it acts in the direction opposite to the gravity force to make the object float. Gravity is the force that keeps things gown on earth

Thus its called the anti gravity force.

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Q: Why buoyancy is called the anti gravity force?
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What force combats gravity?

Controlled Chaos. To oppose gravity is to create an anti gravity apparatus. Obviously, absence of gravity will lead to objects approaching the heavens(since no force to ground them to surface), thus, if gravity is viewed in form of magnetic fields, an 'unlike' pole will cause a 'like' pole to repel, thus creating an anti field force between the magnets. For gravity, should you find the answer i'd suggest getting a patent to a hover board

What particle can exist alone and is smaller than any other?

A particle smaller than atom is a subatomic particle, protons , neutrons, and , electrons, the smallest one is an electron, smaller than that are point particles and elementary particles, one elementary particle and point particle is a quark, up quarks down quarks the smallest single thing found so far is a GLUON, which is the force which binds/holds quarks together. Where the devil lives in anti matter there are also atoms and subatomic particles and point particles but just anti, anti- GLUON, anti-QUARK, anti-ATOM, anti-SUBATOMIC PARTICLE. There is something called the string theory, and super string theory that theorizes about bosonic/boson strings but it can not be provine yet, and I think a gluon is still alot smaller than a bosonic/boson string if they are true. HOPE THIS HELPS

When the ribosome reads mRNA 3 bases at a time the bases are called a what?

a set of three nucleotides is called codons. A set of 3 nucleotides in a tRNA that attaches to the complimentary codon is called the anti-codon

Sir Issac Newton's laws of motion?

First: Law of Inertia " A body at rest remains at rest, & a body already in motion will remain in motion with a constant velocity in the absense of unbalanced applied force." Second: Law of Acceleration " The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the object." Third: Law of Interaction " When an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts on the first a force of the same magnitude but in opposite direction." (by:TNJCA)

TRNA has condons or anti-condons?


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Would the force that causes a helium balloon to rise be called anti-gravity?

No, it rises because of buoyancy. For a really good non-mathematical explanation go to the answer in the Related Answers section below called Why do some things float but not others.

What equation is upward force?

The equation for upward force is given by the formula: Force = Mass x Acceleration. In the context of an object experiencing gravity, the upward force is equal to the weight of the object, which is calculated as weight = Mass x Gravity.

What force is anti gravity?

There is no force called "anti-gravity" in mainstream physics. Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that attracts objects with mass towards each other. Anti-gravity is a concept in science fiction that refers to hypothetical technologies or physical phenomena that could counteract or negate the effects of gravity.

What do hydrometer test?

Hydrometers test specific gravity in a liquid/relative density they are used for anti freeze, batteries etc. They also test the buoyancy of water.

How do you loose the gravitational force from body to earth?

Develop an anti-gravity device. The further away you are the less gravity effects you.

What are Michael Jackson's lean shoes called?

They are called anti-gravity shoes.

Where is anti gravity point in the world?

There is no anti gravity point in the world, the whole of Earth has gravity.

Are there anti gravity rooms?

There are no rooms that completely defy gravity, but there are rooms designed to create the illusion of weightlessness through various techniques like suspension or simulated environments. These rooms are usually used for training astronauts or for entertainment purposes.

What is 'anti-gravity' in Dutch?

"Antizwaartekracht" is a Dutch equivalent of "anti-gravity."

What is 'anti-gravity' in German?

"Antigravitation" is a German equivalent of "anti-gravity."

What force acts the opposite of gravity?

The opposite "force" from gravity would be anti-gravity, which is not an observed physical force. The opposition to gravity is normally by a reactive or repulsive force that overcomes gravity.The opposite of experiencing gravity is experiencing "weightlessness" (which is freefall within a gravitational influence, such as in an orbiting spacecraft or inside a falling aircraft or vehicle).

Is anti-gravity possible?

Yes, no, and we are not really sure. The basic formula to calculate the gravitational force between any two objects in the universe is:F=G{[(m1)(m2)]/(r2)}whereF= Force of gravity between two objectsG= The universal gravitational constant (6.64 * 10-11 N(m/kg2)m1=The Mass of object 1m1=The Mass of object 1In order to achieve a negative gravity or a repulsive force, you would need to have at least one negative mass object, which in general is not seen to be plausible. However, there are other possibilities. See this page for a more detailed answer :