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Blind faith.

(i second this in most cases, how ever some see it yet still believe)

Since Christians are interested in truth they do what The Bible encourages them to do and 'prove all things.' That is, they look into things to see if there really are contradictions. When they do so they find that the contradictions melt away into nothing as they inevitably demonstrate that the person making the allegation has simply not understood the passages concerned.

So, instead of having blind faith, the Christians have 'eyes wide open' faith. They know Him in whom they have believed and they see both the unity of mind and unity of thought in the scriptures which do not contradict themselves. They also recognize and appreciate that some find it necessary to create contradictions using various methods, such as taking verses out of context, in order to bolster their belief in the fallibility of scripture.

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Q: Why can't Christians see the contradictions in the Bible?
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