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Click ' E ' to open your inventory.

Use the mouse and left click the item you want to move ( Just click the item, do not hold the left click down ).

Release to put it in a empty slot.

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Q: Why can't I drag items in my inventory on Minecraft?
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press e to access your inventory, then drag your items for the lower bar to your inventory

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Hold down the shift key then click the item; this negates the need to simply drag items to/from slots in the inventory or hotbar and vice-versa. ;)

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Open the chest and then you will be able to drag items into the chest, in which they will then be removed from your inventory.

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Press E to bring up your inventory screen, your character has four armour slots, drag armour items from your inventory into the slots.

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simply drag over Clothing items such as a helmet or boots, over to the inventory section of clothes.

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When you play Roblox, you can move around the items in your inventory. Just click the backpack in the top left corner, drag any items you want, and presto!

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Yes you can, in your inventory there is an box go to an city and then open your inventory drag the item to the box. It's sold.

How do i move stuff in my bar in minecraft PC?

Press 'E' to open your inventory and drag and drop things. You can also press 'Q' or just throw things out of your inventory to drop them.

When I open my minecraft inventory I cannot drag things around. Any suggestions on how I can fix this?

Your touchscreen option is enabled. Disable it, and it will work wonders. You might need to restart your minecraft.

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From your monsters room, open your inventory by clicking on the chest icon, and then drag items from your room towards the bar at the bottom of the screen and release them. These items will then go to your inventory.

How do you equip the elytra in minecraft PC?

If you have the chest slot empty in your armor inventory, Shift click or drag the Elytra into the chest slot.

In moshi monsters how do you put stuff down?

If you have items in your inventory that you wish to put in your room then open your inventory, by clicking on the chest icon, and drag the items from your chest towards your room and release the item where you wish it to be placed.