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Some children dont go to school because of beliefs. some people believe that women should not go to school that their job is to cook and clean for the men. and some men dont go to school because they believe that the men should work and make money for the family.

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13y ago
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13y ago

because theyre mum and dad cant aford it so they cant go if theyre poor its sad really so just keep your chin up and just keep asking quisteins that's what im here for of course to answer your quistiens

yours sincerlly


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13y ago

Its not the school itself I hate its all the homework we are given, I would actually love school if it weren't for homework.

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Does children hate school?

Children hate school. If you are the parent of your child going to school, have to ever wondered about what they DO in school? If you haven't then tell the teacher to watch them. Children hate school because their teachers are mean or the teacher is teaching things they already know. DON'T TORTURE YOUR CHILD! Only nerds like school.

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