

Why can't humans hear above 20000 Hz?

Updated: 1/29/2024
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15y ago

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Limitations in perception of frequency in human hearing correspond to physical structures of the cochlea in the inner ear, directly related to mechanical properties that dictate at which frequencies such structures can resonate. At the microscopic level this amounts to movements of tiny hairs in reaction to sound energy.

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J Jordan

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Q: Why can't humans hear above 20000 Hz?
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typically 20-20000 Hz - but this range will decrease with age

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typically 20-20000 Hz - but this range will decrease with age

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Why we cant hear the sounds of frequency more than 20000 Hz. Reason?

These sounds have got a specific name. They are known as Ultrasounds. We can hear them, but the problem is that they cause the eardrum to vibrate too much and hence they are incomprehensible.

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most animals like dogs can hear more higher pitches than us so they can hear it, you should not blow it too much, because it will hurt their ears.

Why do humans use sounds they cannot hear?

the sound caoacity for human beings are from 20 hz to 20000 hz.we use ultrasound to check the defects of metals

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in a way, but there are still some there, humans just cant hear them.

How does the Australian cassowary hear?

The cassowary makes a deep, booming, "thrumming" sound. The frequency can be very low, down to 23 Hertz. At this depth it is almost inaudible to humans who can, on average, hear from 20 to 20000 hertz. It is thought that low frequencies are heard better amidst the dense vegetation of the rainforest.