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Huricanes form because hot and cold air particles chase each other in a circle. So there needs to be warm water and cold air.

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Q: Why can't hurricanes form over cold water?
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Where do hurricanes not form?

Hurricanes do not form over land or over cold ocean water.

When hot water and cold water meet does a hurricane form?

No. Hurricanes form best when the water is warm. Cold water actually weakens them.

Why are hurricanes not formed near Canada?

Hurricanes need warm ocean water to form. The waters near Canada are to cold for hurricanes to form.

Why don't hurricanes form over th north Atlantic oecan?

Hurricanes need warm ocean water to form. Up north the water is too cold.

Where can hurricanes never form?

A hurricane can never form over land or over cold water.

Why can't hurricanes happen winter?

Basically because the water is to cold to form a hurricane

Why don't hurricanes occur in the high latitudes?

Hurricanes require warm ocean water to form and maintain their strength. The water in the higher latitudes is too cold.

Why don't hurricanes form in the winter?

Hurricanes don't develop in the Atlantic ocean because the temperatuers are below 80 degrees and the water is to cold for the hurricane to form off of

What time of the year does Pariis France get hurricanes?

France doesn't get hurricanes and Paris is inland, not on the ocean. It takes warm water for a hurricane to form and the Atlantic is cold water where Europe is located.

Why can't hurricanes form in the arctic Ocaen?

Hurricanes require evaporation from warm ocean water to form. The Arctic Ocean is very cold, too cold for hurricane formation, and largely covered in ice, meaning that there is very little evaporation.

Why doesn't Juneau Alaska have hurricanes?

Hurricanes are tropical cyclones, meaning they can only form over warm ocean water. If they leave warm water they lose the characteristics that make them hurricanes. The waters off the coast of Alaska are far too cold to support hurricanes.

Why do hurricanes rarely from in higher latitudes?

Hurricanes form in warm tropical waters and the conditions aren't right in higher northern latitudes because the temperature of the water is cold.