

Why can't light bend?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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13y ago

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In a medium of spatially varying refractive index, then light changes its direction, unless it is travelling exactly in the direction of the gradient of refractive index. For an extreme example, light is bent by a prism.

Light is bent in the presence of a gravitational field - which pretty well means all the time.

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Q: Why can't light bend?
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What can bend light?

change of medium causes light to bend

Does light bend as it passes through materials?

Light is affected by the media that it travels through. Even air will bend light. Glass and water certainly bend light.

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No. Water droplets bend light to make rainbows.

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Light could bend when it enters a prism. A prism is a transparent object such as glass.

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White light can reflect or bend, depending upon the circumstances.

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no , and its not calld 'bend' its called 'reflected' but its like bend but ITS NOT :)

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Light does not bend.

What conditions will bend light?

This phenomenon is called diffraction. when light is incident on the opaque substances having width comparable to wavelength of light then light bend.

Is light can be bent or refracted?

Well light can only bend. It was first discovered by Albert Estein,when he found out that light does bend. But am not sure about if light refract.

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some can some can,t

Why can't we bend our elbow backward?

because we cant :) :) :)