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The intermolecular strength is higher in liquids than in gases.

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Q: Why can't liquids change volume but gasses can?
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Why can't gasses change volume?

Actually liquids CAN change volume - they just change less drastically than gases under the same conditions. An obvious example is the functioning of a thermometer. The liquid in the thermometer expands (changes volume) as it gets warmer. Usually the liquid will be in a large reservoir with a narrow tube attached because the volume change is not that big. The change in volume for a gas with the same change in temperature is much more noticeable. Liquids also change their volume with changes in pressure. Again, gases change a lot more than liquids with the same change in pressure - except near the critical point of the liquid. As an example: liquid water at 50 bar and 25 °C will have a density of about 1000 kg/m3. If the pressure is cut in half to 25 bar at 25 °C, the density drops to about 998 kg/m3 - a change of about 0.2%. If you do the same with a gas at 25 °C, the density will change by 50% (250 times the change in the liquid)! The simple reason for this is that liquids are much more dense than gases. The molecules are much closer together so when you start to put pressure on them, they resist compression much more than gases will because they are already so close and repulsive forces between the molecules are much stronger. When pressure is dropped, liquids expand less because - again - the molecules are close together and the attractive forces are much more significant. The spacing of molecules in a liquid is a bit like the situation with Goldilocks - they don't want to be too close or too far apart - they want to be "just right" in their spacing.

How do you change the volume icon on windows xp?

You cant change it Answer You can't change it *easily*.

What type of fluid that can be squeezed into a smaller container?

No liquid can be made smaller, liquids have the property of a definite volume (size), this cant be changed.

Why cant lliquids change vollume but gasses can?

the forces holding atoms together are stronger in a liquid than in gas. sdw

What is a particable?

A particle is an atom which cant be seen by the naked human eye, everything is made up of: in solids; gasses and liquids. Each atom contains electrons, protons and neutrons, which is what gives each particle its properties. Solids tend to have more compact particles where as gasses have less.

Can you change the volume on FarmVille?

You cant change the volume but you can turn sound up, there is a little picture of a speaker in the top left corner click it to turn it off and on

Why cant liquids dissolve in water?

Many liquids form mixtures with water !

Has no definte shape or volume?

pretty much all gases and liquids. you cant describe air as a shape right?and gases expand to fill the contaonter they're in. Liquids don't have a shape because they are atrracted to each other, like water.

What is the melting points of liquids?

liquids cant be melt only solid substance can melt

Why liquids have no definite shape?

Liquids can easily change there shape because molecules are loosely bound to each other. in case of Solids, molecules are so tightly bound that you cant change it shape until you hit it with something. in case of Gases, you can say that molecules are almost free.

Can a decrease in mass with an increase in volume result from the equation for density mass divided by volume?

Don't know what you are asking here. Mass is a innate property of matter you cant decrease mass. You can however increase volume (especially in gasses) so that the mas is spread out over a larger volume (usually by adding heat) and this DOES decrease the density. That is why hot air/water rises.

Why Solids are strong?

Solids are strong because they are not like liquids,liquids can go through your hand and solids cant