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they dont but should be able to if they want without ignorant men throwing rocks at them.

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Q: Why can't men polish their toenails?
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Why do you have nail polish?

Because i love to polish me toenails! I polish them everyday. I LOVE NAIL POLISH!

What makes nail polish?

who cares just polish your toenails! Sometimes you can read the back of the nail polish bottle to figure it out. POLISH

How do you grow pink toenails?

put on pink nail polish!

Are nuns allowed to wear polish on their toenails?

I don't think so.

What is polish used for?

nail polish is a substance applied to fingernails and toenails to improve the appearance of the nails and also to help protect the nails.

What is nail polish for?

nail polish is a substance applied to fingernails and toenails to improve the appearance of the nails and also to help protect the nails.

What is the definition of nail polish?

Nail polish (nail varnish) is a lacquer applied to toenails or fingernails for appearance, but also as nail protection.

Does Michelle mcCool polish her toenails?

yes she does they were polished a dark color on raw tonight

What is nail polish used for?

Nail polish is a substance applied to fingernails and toenails to improve the appearance of the nails and also to help protect the nails.

Will toenail polish cause toenails to be unhealthy?

Well, your toenails have pores. so they need to breathe. The best thing is not to wear nail polish all the time, and when you take your nail polish off, leave it off for about a week before painting them again. --- Toenails only have pores if the "shine" of the nail is removed- your nails don't swell and fall off when you have a shower. The nail polish remover is the main problem because of the potent chemicals used to remove the varnish. You can actually get white flecks on toenails that look like toenail fungus, but they are not. But constant use of remover can damage your toenail.

Why was nail polish made?

As a nice decoration for your fingernails and toenails! You never need to use it if you do not want to!

Can nail polish on your toenails last longer than on your fingernails?

Yes for the most part, i once didn't take it off and it lasted a whole year!! that's how you know you have good polish!!!You can use the same polish on your fingernails and toenails and the toenails will most likely keep the polish longer. This is simply because you use your fingers much more than your toes and the nails are constantly subjected to the elements. While the toes hang out in comfy socks and shoes, the nailpolish on your fingernails wear and chip away with use.