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It dissolves to form a colorless solution.

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Q: Why can't people see fluoride in the water?
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What water freezes faster cold water or fluoride water?

It is not a case of 'faster', but a difference in temperature. Pure water at STP freezes at 0o C (zero degrees centigrade). This is the scientific standard. However, If any substance is dissolved in water , this depress the freezing point. So if there is fluoride in it the freezing point of 'fluoride water' will be lower than pure water. Please see the Table of Cryoscopic Constants. Sea water being saline, having sodium chloride dissolved in it , freezes when the water temperature reaches '-4oC' ( 27o F)

How can you remove fluoride from tap water?

How to Remove Fluoride from Water - An Easy SolutionFluoride in water is a hotly debated topic among scientists and citizens. The fact is, fluoride is a hazardous toxic waste from the phosphate fertilizer industry, and is poisonous to people. Children are especially susceptible to the effects of fluoride poisoning, which can lead to reduced cognitive function, and ultimately, a lower IQ. It can cause learning disabilities, and hyperactivity disorders.Compact, under-the-counter Reverse Osmosis systems are highly effective at removing fluoride, and many other chemical contaminates from your water source.Visit: 'Contaminers' below to see an extensive list of contaminates reverse osmosis systems will remove from your water.I have the greatest answer. Vitel Water Beads they raise the pH of tap water from 6.7 to 8.7 scientifically proven. They remove all chlorine and lower fluoride levels back to where it is naturally occuring. They also raise the magnesium content of the tap water and lower the calcium content. Plus The water doesn't support lower life forms so Algae, bacteria, and germs cannot grow in the water. Check them out at more: 'Alkaline drinking water'

Why is chlorine and fluoride added to water?

Fluoride is added to publicly supplied drinking water for its prophylactic benefit in retarding or preventing toot decay, especially in growing children. That happens because tooth enamel acts as a semi- permeable membrane and allows the passage of fluoride ion necessary to impart decay resistance. It is much the same as prophylactic fluoride treatments that dentists provide to children during routine dental visits--only in much lower concentration.

Is Hydrogen Fluoride polar?

Please see

Why it is difficult to see through fog?

because u cant see

Related questions

Why can't people see fluoride in water?

It dissolves to form a colorless solution.

Does the town of Guilderland add fluoride to water?

No information about adding fluoride to the town's water could be found on the town's website. To find out if they add fluoride, you may need to call their water mangement department. To go to their site, see the Related Link.

Fluoride is added to drinking water supplies in many states People cannot see fluoride in the water because it?

is dissolved. Fluoride is added in very small amounts, typically about 0.7 milligrams per liter of water. This process helps to prevent tooth decay and improve overall dental health in communities where it is implemented.

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blind people cant drive and ride a bike

What type of water you Cant see?

water vapour

What are the advantages of water?

you cant see your flab.

How can you get water out of your eye so you can see It is blocking were you can not see in front of you?

If youre saying you want to get the water out of your eye,you cant cuz its not INSIDE your eye,its just kinda illosioning it.any way,you cant see under water ever(that is humans cant...)kuz humans are ment to see in air,not in water.You cant fix the blureyness,but you can wear goggles!;)

Can you boil volvic water for coffee?

Sure, its water i cant see why not

Where do you bump into fluorine in everyday life?

Fluorine is found in toothpaste and everyday tap water. Fluoride in water, known as water fluoridation, is believed to reduce tooth decay and cavities so many governments allow controlled fluoride to be added into national water supplies. See the related link below.

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you cant see your flab.

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You cant unless you hack it,you see people that skate but you cant.

What water freezes faster cold water or fluoride water?

It is not a case of 'faster', but a difference in temperature. Pure water at STP freezes at 0o C (zero degrees centigrade). This is the scientific standard. However, If any substance is dissolved in water , this depress the freezing point. So if there is fluoride in it the freezing point of 'fluoride water' will be lower than pure water. Please see the Table of Cryoscopic Constants. Sea water being saline, having sodium chloride dissolved in it , freezes when the water temperature reaches '-4oC' ( 27o F)