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Some people can't have grapefruit due to an allergy to the fruit.

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9y ago

Some people can't have grapefruit with their medication because it negatively interacts with the medicine. This can cause serious reactions and possible illness.

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Q: Why can't some people can't have grapefruit?
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Im no doctor, but the Oro Blanco is a cross between a Pummelo and a grapefruit. It is going to have some of the same genetic makeup of a grapefruit. Try posting the question on the forum at this site There are some knowledgable people that answer produce related questions

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Because regular grapefruit with no sugar at all will taste bitter. so people like there grapefruit with sugar on top.

What is pomalo?

A pomelo is a large citrus fruit. It is a type of grapefruit - actually it is an ancestor of the modern grapefruit. It comes from Southeast Asia but is now grown in the US as well. It is very large and has a thick skin. Some people find a pomelo is a bit sweeter than a grapefruit.

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Should you drink grapefruit juice with your medications?

No. Some medications give instructions not to have grapefruit juice with the medicine. I know statins are explicit about not having grapefruit juice.

Is it safe to eat grapefruit while taking triamterene hctz?

If you take amlodipine -- or any other kind of calcium channel blocker -- do not take them with grapefruit, grapefruit juice or grapefruit dietary supplements, because serious, possibly fatal, reactions may occur. Grapefruit inhibits your CYP34A enzyme, a protein that helps your body metabolize drugs. When your body fails to properly metabolize drugs, you may end up with more of amlodipine in your system than intended, causing an accidental overdose. Some drugs -- and some people -- react more strongly than others to the effect of grapefruit on your CYP34A enzyme.

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