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There are many reasons someone may not be a good candidate for LASIK. I recommend patients not have LASIK surgery if their level of nearsightedness or farsightedness is too great (fortunately, there are alternative surgeries for many of these patients), if they have only one "good eye" and can't see well out of the other eye even with glasses or contacts, or have abnormal corneas. These are a few of the main problems I see, although there are many more.

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Q: Why can't some people have laser eye surgery?
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Which websites have information about laser eye surgery?

I am also considering laser eye surgery. It is very affordable these days. Here are some facts about laser eye surgery:

What are some drawbacks of cosmetic laser surgery?

/some of the drawbacks to laser surgery are pore damage, skin burn, and most of all the cost is very high. the laser debrasion can cause rosacea, acne,or post laser skin problems

I'm thinking about having a cosmetic operation done. Does anyone know where I can get some information about laser surgery?

The FDA's website has some information on cosmetic laser surgery. That's a great place to start. is a great site that deals with laser surgery, cosmetic and otherwise. You should check it out.

Can people use hair removal surgery to remove ALL hair?

"The goal of laser hair removal surgery is to permanently reduce the number of body hairs that you have. Laser hair removal surgery will not permanently remove all body hair and in some instances, will not permanently remove any hair."

Is the cost for laser eye surgery ever covered by insurance or is it considered elective or cosmetic surgery?

Most insurance companies consider laser eye surgery elective, however, there are some that will cover it minimully.

Can you be terminated for having surgery?

No if you have already inform about your surgery then it cant but if not then in some cases, secondaly if the surgery had to be done in emergency then also you cant be fired.

Does standard medical insurance cover laser eye surgery?

If the laser surgery was to correct near or far sightedness, most insurance companies do not cover it and you will have to pay for this yourself. If the laser surgery was for some other problem, like blurriness following cataract surgery, your insurer will most likely cover the cost.

What are some laser eye surgery risks?

The risks of laser eye surgery are as followed, numbness, blindess, caterax and potential infections in in rare cases death. Speak with your doctor to get a complete list before getting surgery.

What are the after effects after the surgery?

What are the side effects of laser peripheral iridotomy ?

Is there any risks to having laser correction surgery?

Laser correction surgery is generally very safe. However, there are some risks, mainly under or over correction, inflammation or infection and double vision.

What are some benefits to cosmetic laser surgery?

Laser cosmetic surgery is less invasive, more precise and heals more quickly than conventional cosmetic surgery. It also reduces the time one must stay in a facility reducing the overall cost.

What problems does laser surgery for eyes fix?

Laser eye surgery reshapes the cornea of the eye. This procedure fixes shortsightedness, longsighted, and astigmatism. Some patients may still need to wear contacts or glasses after this procedure.