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I think that generally, people do understand. That's why government needs to periodically change their tactics. Now government calls it climate change.

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Q: Why can't the people understand that global warming is just a way for the rich governments to get richer?
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Do all people believe in global warming?

no. and that is the problem. There are kinds of people: People who don't understand and people who don't WANT to understand. People who don't want to understand can make up lies, like Global Warming is a theory. They can also fight with climate scientists . There is a point in humanity that we are in right now. we need to stop global warming, we are now in the point where we can't undo global warming, only stop it from getting worse. We need to.

What is global warming and why do most people believe in it?

Global warming is the serious and rapid warming of the earth that has occurred in the last 100 years. Most people believe in it because science has shown that it is happening and people understand why it is happening.

Should governments regulate business activities in order to reduce the effects of global warming?

Many people think governments should make regulations to reduce the effects of global warming. Governments are elected to govern, and that often means making hard, long-term decisions that are not always popular.

Why don't governments shut up about global warming instead of planting fear in the hearts of ordinary people?

Mostly because the threat from global warming is real, and will certainly make life very difficult for our children and grandchildren if people and governments of the world can't reduce or slow the effects of climate change.

Can Neptune get global warming?

Global warming is not natural, it is caused by people. Since there aren't people on Neptune, it cannot have global warming.

Why is there a category called Global Warming when the whole idea of it is still in question in the world scientific community and is assumed to be completely man made with out any absolute truth?

Because people need education, so they can understand the wonders of science, realise the dangers of global warming, and encourage governments, themselves and others to take serious steps to limit its advance.

Why is knowing about global warming helpful?

If we understand the causes and effects of global warming then we can change our behaviour to reduce these effects. We can also talk to our friends and family so that more people can spread the message to change our behaviour.

What are some questions that people might ask about global warming?

What is causing global warming?What can be done to stop it?What are our governments doing about it?Why don't they do more?Why are there not more serious attempts to change to renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal and biofuel)?

Do people think global warming is happening?

Yes, most people accept that global warming is happening. They understand that the ten hottest years on record have all happened since 1995. They are beginning to experience more extreme weather events that are the result of climate change.

Why are people still causing global warming?

There is not enough renewable energy (solar, wind, water etc), so people still have to use fossil fuel energy (coal, oil and natural gas), which is causing global warming. Ordinary people can lower their energy use at home, and they can educate their parents or children, and they can lobby politicians, but until governments make industry pay the true cost of carbon pollution, then global warming will continue.

How could people cause global warming?

People cause global warming by deforestation, release waste gases (CO2) and pollution.

How do you spread awareness of global warming among local people?

First you try to understand the harmful effects of global warming. Then go to peoples house in your locality and show some percentage of global warming in their house. Then explain them its harmful effects. Then try to tell them how to prevent it. Make posters and stick it on walls. Take out a rally with your friends.