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Good question. Some materials are more soluble in one solution than another.

In general (very general); non-polar things are soluble in non-polar solutions.

Polar things are soluble in polar solutions.

So - for example - salt is NaCl, which is Na+ Cl- and so very polar. It dissolves well in water because water is also polar. (Water is kinda like H+ O- H+ if you excuse the poor charge balancing for the sake of simplicity).

Paint however may be (not always, you can get water soluble paints) very non-polar and so you need something non-polar to dissolve it. White spirit is made from aliphatic (and alicyclic) compounds...which means hydrocarbons. These are not polar since C and H are actually pretty close in terms of electronegativity and they have no overall charge.

And so when you put white spirit on the paint, the paint dissolves into the white spirit and so the paint "comes off".

For further reading try:

For more advanced understandings, perhaps start looking into thermodynamics and the hydrophobic effect as they pair up nicely and kind of help each other in terms of understanding.

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2w ago

Water is not effective at removing paint with titanium dioxide because it is not a strong enough solvent to break down the paint. On the other hand, white spirit is a solvent that can dissolve substances like titanium dioxide, making it effective at removing paint that contains this ingredient.

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15y ago

It is because it contains alcohol

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Q: Why can't water wash paint of which has titanium dioxide but white spirit can?
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What is white spirit used for?

Why can't water wash paint of which has titanium dioxide but white spirit can?because the water has titanium dioxide in it so white spirit contains alcohol which is different than waterby me love you any more questions comment under this Thanksbye:* :)

What is titanium dioxide pH?

Titanium dioxide is not dissolved in water.

Why can you get paint off with white spirit and not water?

Spirit based is oil based and oil and water don't mix. Use paint thinner or mineral spirits.

What has the author Geri K Castello written?

Geri K. Castello has written: 'Handbook of photocatalysts' -- subject(s): Water, Reactivity, Electric properties, Photocatalysis, Titanium dioxide, Titanium dioxide films, Purification

What is the chemical name of titanium dioxide?

They are also known as acidic oxides since they form acidic solutions in water.

How titanium dioxide crystals on noxer block catalyse oxidation reaction that remove NOx from the atmosphere?

Titanium dioxide absorbs the radiation which is given off from the sun. This excites the electrons in titanium dioxide to a higher energy level. The high energy electron from titanium dioxide reacts with oxygen to produce a superdioxide ion on the surface of the titanium dioxide crystals; O2 +e- O2- Water also reacts with the oxide to produce a hydrogen, hydroxyl radical and an electron which is given back to the titanium dioxide; H2O + O2 H+ + OH + e- "The overall reaction is therefore; H2O + O2 H+ + O2- + OH" The hydroxyl radical formed can then oxidise nitrogen dioxide to nitrate ions because it is a very powerful oxidising agent; NO2 + OH H+ + NO3- More of the nitrogen gases can be rendered as the superoxide produced on the surface of titanium oxide can be used to convert nitrogen monoxide into nitrate ions; NO + O2- NO3- Titanium dioxide absorbs the radiation which is given off from the sun. This excites the electrons in titanium dioxide to a higher energy level. The high energy electron from titanium dioxide reacts with oxygen to produce a superdioxide ion on the surface of the titanium dioxide crystals; O2 +e- O2- Water also reacts with the oxide to produce a hydrogen, hydroxyl radical and an electron which is given back to the titanium dioxide; H2O + O2 H+ + OH + e- "The overall reaction is therefore; H2O + O2 H+ + O2- + OH" The hydroxyl radical formed can then oxidise nitrogen dioxide to nitrate ions because it is a very powerful oxidising agent; NO2 + OH H+ + NO3- More of the nitrogen gases can be rendered as the superoxide produced on the surface of titanium oxide can be used to convert nitrogen monoxide into nitrate ions; NO + O2- NO3-

How do you get the Titanium Dioxide Out of M and M's?

I kinda made this question, then answered it... Because I thought that it would be beneficial to those whom it may concern. Anyway: Get roughly 20 M&M's, any color, but make sure that they are the normal ones. EG: Not the "Crunchy" ones or the "Peanut" ones. Place the m&ms into a container. Then pour water into it, until the M&M's are submerged, and wait until all of the color and white stuff has come off. Give the container a good swirl to speed it up. Then take the m&m's out - eat them if you want, they taste fine - then put the remaining liquid into a nice untouched place that won't get knocked or bumped. Over 1-2 days, all the titanium dioxide will sink to the bottom. Then pour out the liquid on top. Add in some more water, swirl it around and pour that out too.(We're trying to get out all of the impurities)Add in some more water, just a few drops, and, Using a paint brush wipe down the bottom of the container. And there you have it, titanium dioxide, mixed with water, but it is still titanium dioxide. You can then go and make a solar panel from this If you want to make a solar panel then just search up "Titanium Dioxide Solar Panel"

Is titanium dioxide water soluble?

No, titanium dioxide is not water soluble. It is a white pigment that does not dissolve in water but can be dispersed in it to form a suspension.

Why paint can be remove by white spirit not water?

Emulsion paint is normally water based. Thinning and cleaning requires water rather than white spirit. Whatever paint you use, check on the can to make sure you know what is needed for thinning before you start to use it.

An example of an inorganic compounds is?

sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, lithium chloride, gallium arsenide, titanium dioxide

Can you use water to thin emulsion paint?

Its its oil based then; Acetone Mineral turpentine (turps) True turpentine Naphtha White spirit Methyl ethyl ketone If its acrylic/water based then water

What mass of titanium will displace 0.75 ml of water?

To determine the mass of titanium that will displace 0.75 ml of water, you can use the density of water and titanium. The density of water is approximately 1 g/ml. The density of titanium is about 4.5 g/cm³. First, convert 0.75 ml to grams using the density of water, then use the ratio of the densities to find the mass of titanium that will displace the same volume of water.