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Spell check can tell if a word is misspelled, but it cannot tell if a word is misused.

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Q: Why can't writers only use spell check to edit their work?
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Related questions

Why cat writers only use spell check to edit their work?

Your original question starts "Why cat writers only use spell check" instead of "why can't". Since "cat" is a correct spelling, spell check sees nothing wrong with it.

Is there any spell checker in adobe photoshop?

Yes, click Edit and then "Check Spelling" function

When should writers edit their work?

after they revise it

How do you edit ronaldos shoes on edit?

you cant

Why doesn't WikiAnswers have a spell checker?

WikiAnswers now has a spell checker! When you click to answer a question, or edit an existing answer, there is a link both above and below the answer box that allows you to check your spelling!

How do you spell Re edit?


How do you edit sims 3?

you cant

How do you turn on spell check on macs in safari?

To activate Spelling and Grammar checking in Safari select Spelling and Grammar from the Edit menu.Yes. Go to the edit menu and select spelling and grammar!

Where is edit on YouTube?

You cant edit someone else's content on YouTube, Its not like WikiAnswers.

What happens when writers edit their conclusions?

They reread their conclusions and make necessary changes.

Why is it important to tao enter collegeke an entrance exam?

Say what? Please edit the question and use your Spell-Check to help you figure out what you're trying to ask.

How do you edit snowballs in a texture pack?

you really cant. its a block that just cant be modifeid