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Q: Why can't you breathe if you bruise your diaphragm muscle?
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It is not possible to sing from the diaphragm because singing requires one to breathe a lot of air which the diaphragm cannot hold.

Can comforters breathe?

No they cant breathe.

Can seahorses breathe air?

no they cant

How come you cant breathe in outer space?

Because there's nothing out there to breathe.

What kind of muscle can you cant control?

involuntary muscle

How do you choke out?

You choke them until they cant breathe

How do you shape your muscle?

You cant!

Do penguins breathe under water?

no, they cant stupid

How do you choke someone out?

You choke them until they cant breathe

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you cant

Can cnidarians breathe?

they have a mouth just like us, that is what helps them to breathe, but they cant breathe if they are out of water unless they are land animals, which most of them probably arent/

Can you pull a muscle in your lung?

Yes! If you have a case of bronchiolitis, you can pull a muscle near the lungs from coughing so much. I've had it. It's quite painful:(