

Why can't you create an account in imagine town?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Maybe your computer does't have the java app

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Q: Why can't you create an account in imagine town?
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Delete it.

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Why doesn't imagine town let me make an account?

because it sucks

How do you delete car town account?

ya cant sorry

How do you get on imagine town?

You search it up and click on the first one that is not an ad. Then when you are on the page you click login imagine town. On that page you see the create button and click that. Away you go in creating your character.

When imagine town game will open?

will at imagine town can open im come from norway and i go to imagine town 3 days and i read imagine town ar stopet and aya cyng plis open imagine town

When does imagine town open?

it has been opened for a while but after creating the avatar it takes forever to get into imagine town.

Is their a website like imagine town?

There is a couple of games like imagine town there is OurWorld, Moviestar Planet, stardoll and Ubiworld

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Is imagine town good?


How do you get secret codes for imagine town?

You can get codes for Imagine Town by buying Imagine Town Video Games. Such as the following: Fashion Desinger Chef Babysitter. As long as the video games are made my UBI SOFT you can use them. Hope this helps!

Did imagine town end?

No, Imagine Town didn't end. It used to close for bedtime at around 8:00 - 9:00 pm. But if it said Imagine Town was closed or ended it was just because it was closed to fix problems or glitches.