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Because the moon aliens would be angry!

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Q: Why can't you eat the cheese from the moon?
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What does it eat and how do they eat?

the moon is made of cheese blue cheese

Does the moon eat cheese?

Ya sure...The moon also eats tacos!!!!!! And it goes on vacations to the beach Does the moon eat cheese? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

How do you you recycle an egg shell?

You cant but you can recycle cheese from the moon

Why you cant sleep when you eat cheese at night?

Some people can't eat dairy products.

Holes and dents in the moon are called?

the moon is a cheese like you can eat it it is very good you. you can bring it any where

Does the moon have a food source?

yes the moon does have a food source- cheese. what else are the aliens going to eat?

Is eating molded cheese harmful?

if it has mold on it you cant eatif it has mold on it you can eat

What will happen if you eat cheese late at night?

If you eat Doritos late a t night your toe nails will turn orange. It is true so try it some night! =>

Is cheese an animal?

Yes cheese is a type of animal it is a breed of dog it is called cheese terrier. And live on the moon where they eat red lester cheese because it taste BAD!!!!!!!!!

Is the moon nacho cheese?

No. The moon is not cheese

Who said that the moon was made out of cheese?

If it wasn't what would the man on da moon eat. He would die and who's fault would it be it would be gods fault for not making the moon out of cheese. But any way i bet the man on the moon is constipated fromeating to much cheese. plus it isn't astoroids, it is crackers

Is the moon cheesy?

no. moon is not made of cheese. if it was made out of barbeque spare-ribs, i certainly would eat it. look it up. its a fact.