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Q: Why can't you get chickenpox twice but you can get a cold twice even though they are both caused by viruses?
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Can you get the chickenpox twice after getting the live virus vaccine?

It's possible, but not likely, to get chickenpox twice after getting chickenpox vaccine. Talk with your health care provider to find out how certain was the diagnosis.

Can you get chickenpox as an adult If you were a carrier as a child?

A carrier of chickenpox is someone who is infected but doesn't have symptoms. Most people who get chickenpox do not get infected twice. You are not likely to get chickenpox as an adult if you had them as a child.

If you had chickenpox at age 7 What might prevent you from getting chickenpox a year later?

You cannot get chickenpox twice. Your body adapts to the virus and you no longer break out. You can, however, get shingles later in life from the chickenpox virus still in your body.

What are the risks or side effects of having your baby accidentally immunized for chickenpox twice?

There are no special risks or side effects from extra chickenpox vaccine.

Can you actually break a bunion from a fall that has caused it to swell twice the usual size?

Yes, you can break a bunion from a fall that has caused it to swell twice its size.

How Often Should You scan your hard drives for viruses?

Once or twice a month should be enought.

Can you get chickenpox if you had it as a newborn baby?

Usually a skin rash that look like pimples or mosquito bites that develop into blisters and then into open sores, sometimes this is accompanied by a low grade fever. After 2 - 4 days symptoms should start to disappear, unless your child has a weakened immune system then a more serious rash, fever or more serious infections.

What if you get chickenpox twice?

Chickenpox can happen more than once once (I've seen it happen), but usually it only comes once in a lifetime. Unfortunately, later in life you can suffer shingles, because chickenpox is caused by a virus which never leaves the body and settles, lying dormant for years, in nerve roots. When your immune system is depressed or weakened, the virus can be reactivated as a shingles infection.

Can you get chickenpox if you have shingles?

Yes, you can exercise when you have chickenpox if you have no fever and feel OK. You should stay isolated until all bumps and sores are scabbed over, so that you don't spread the infection to anyone else. You should also avoid getting overheated, as it may increase itching.

Who are minnesota fats children?

He had no children. He was married twice though.

Why do fewer people get chickenpox now?

It is becoming less common as more and more people have already had it, therefore making it die down a little as it is rare for chicken pox to infect the same person twice

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Tom Delay