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Because their feet are too tiny to hear their footsteps. Because their feet are too tiny to hear their footsteps.

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Q: Why can't you hear elves at night?
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Are night elves horde or alliance?

Night Elves are in the Alliance faction.

What are the High Elves in World of Warcraft?

The High Elves were once apart of the Night Elves, but then as the High Elves began delving into deeper and more arcane magics the Night Elves banished them for their seeking to gain knowledge and power through anything but Elune (the Goddess of nature).

What is the capital of night elves?

The city of Darnassus is the capital of the Night Elves, and is located off the coast of Kalimdor. It can be reached by boat from Darkshore.

Do pocket elves come to life at night?

yes they do all elves are real but Santa is not.

Why you hear clearer at night?

because at night everbody is sleeping and nobody is talking so you hear everything clearly. but at day time there r cars on the road and everbody is awake that's y u cant hear properly

Which race is stronger blood elves high elves or night elves?

None. None of the three races is necessarily stronger or weaker than another. Typically, it is seen as Night Elves having more power over nature, High Elves having more power over the Light, and Blood Elves having more power over Arcane and Fire, but even this is a generalization. All three races are powerful, but their power cannot be compared to one another. Also, though the Blood Elves seem to be more willing to use their magic in near-reckless ways, the Night Elves and High Elves usually choose to refrain from destructive magic. There isn't any true "stronger" race among the Blood Elves, High Elves, and Night Elves, there are just differences among the three races, just as with all the races in the Warcraft storyline.

Do elves go back to Santa every night?


Is this how you spell elves?

Yes, that is the correct spelling of the word elves. Meaning more than one elf.Some example sentences are:The elves were about to go on their tea break.I saw some elves in the living room last night."Which one of you elves took Rudolph out last night without asking me?" Santa angrily demanded.

Can elves fly?

no they cant. they are tree based creatures and cannot fly

What are the Blood Elves in World of Warcraft?

The Blood Elves are a race in WoW, one of ten. They were originally Night Elves who taught the humans magic, and became the High Elves, and then got crippled by the destruction of the Sunwell. Hope it helped ;)

Can you play a Night Elf in sentence?

Yes you can play a Night Elf on WoW. Also Night Elves are Alliance.

When do Christmas elves take a break?

At night of course! They work in the day and go home at night.