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The only restriction to 'read The Bible' in public schools is during class time to teach it's religious content. Religion can't be taught in public school. Anyone may read the Bible in school at a time and place that would be appropriate for any other non-curriculum material, for example comics, magazines, non school related books, etc. Private schools have their own rules on material that can be read in class. Private schools can include the Bible as part of the curriculum because the parents have selected that school and its curriculum for their child to attend.

Reading the Bible, the Qu'ran, or any other religious text in prison is permitted because the prison is not teaching the religion; inmates choose this reading material or attendance at religious meeting of their own volition.

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The Bible never should be banned from public schools! Everyone is allowed to read it and study it!

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Not in the USA though some would say you can't read the Bible in Public Schools - which is untrue. The Bible is the world's most read book and probably the most banned as well. See list below:

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Read The Bible?

Yes, read the bible. Its a good thing to do :)

How you do say 'to read the Bible' in French?

To read= Lire The = La Bible = Bible = lire la Bible. Then again, it depends on what "read" means... If it is "study", then : étudier la Bible.

Do middle east people read the Bible or do they have their own Bible?

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