

Why can't you take Provera if pregnant?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Why can't you take Provera if pregnant?
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It is safe to take provera while im pregnant?

No. Studies have shown that it can cause unwanted problems to your baby if you take provera while you are pregnant.

Can provera abort a 2mos pregnant?

Depo-Provera is not used as an abortifactant, but if given to a woman who is pregnant, it can cause miscarriage. That is why a doctor will make you take a pregnancy test before they will prescribe it to you.

What should you take if you cant get pregnant after getting off depo?

If you are not using effective birth control, you can get pregnant. A woman who stops Depo Provera may get get pregnant immediately after stopping, or it may take up to 18 months. The average is 11 months. There is no medication to make your cycle come back sooner. So take your time and take your prenatal vitamins; you'll be pregnant soon.

How do you get pregnant after stopping Depo-Provera?

There is no special strategy, medication, or therapy to get pregnant faster after stopping Depo Provera.

Can you start Depo-Provera while you're pregnant?

Depo Provera is meant to prevent pregnancy, and is of no use to a woman who is pregnant. You can start when you're not pregnant any longer,.

Risks involved in becoming pregnant after Depo-Provera?

There are no special risks in getting pregnant after stopping depo provera. There is no need to wait to conceive.

What pill to take to get pregnant?

You cant take a pill to get pregnant ! Getting pregnant involves having un-protected sex !

Will Depo-Provera cause chemical pregnancy?

No, Depo Provera is meant to prevent pregnancy. If you're pregnant, it's because the sperm and egg met. Depo Provera does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test, so if you have a positive test, you are pregnant.

Can you take provera to start your cycle while on Depo-Provera?


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Can you can get pregnant after only one shot?

yes you can get preganant after you only get 1 shot the shot doesnt means that pregnancy cant occur it can the chances are just very slim that you are not really likely to get pregnant while you are on the depo provera shot!!

What do you do if you think your pregnant and all your pregnancy tests come back negative yet you have all the signs of being pregnant but nobody believes you because you are on the Depo-Provera shot?

You're not pregnant if you're on Depo provera and your pregnancy test is negative.