

Why can't sound travel under water?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Sound does travel under water otherwise the Humpback would be wasting its time singing!

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vibrations caused by the sound waves travel thru the water making the water vibrate causing sound. that is why you cant hear someone talk under water at great distances. the water is denser than the sound waves

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There is no air for sound to travel through.

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Because sounds are created by vibrations that our eardrums pick-up. In order for the sound waves to travel, there has to be something for it to travel through, either the air, water, solids, etc.

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light can but sound cant as there is no air

What sound cant travel through?

sound can't travel through a vacuum. or a place without air.

Why cant sound waves travel through a vaccuum?

No medium to carry the sound energy.

Explain why cant sound travel through vacuums?

there is no air in a vaccum. and sound needs air for the sound waves to travel through.

Why can't sound waves travel though space?

sound waves cant travel through space because there is no oxygen, and if there is no oxygen there is nothing to carry the sound waves. youre welcom theSas