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1)Who follower of Jesus Christ (New Testament) they are christian.

2)In the New testament for the priest marriage not prohibited.

3)Protestant Believe is only words of the god (BIBLE) only commander.

4) Protestant Believe any man or women without marriage he or she not able to live without of sexual thinking with others.

5)Bible say in Ten Commandment and New Testament The person excluding his wife or husband - he/she thinking sexual emotion with others it is a sin.

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13y ago

There is absolutely no restriction on marriage for any Church of England deacon, priest or bishop.

The restriction on Catholic priests being celibate is a man-made ruling and has no basis in Biblical scripture. Even Peter, the first leader of the Church in Rome was married (we are told that Jesus healed his mother-in-law). Therefore Churches that regard scripture as more important than Church law accept that the priesthood can be married.

There is also no restriction on women becoming deacons or priests in the Church of England, and a recent synod ruling has also made women bishops possible in the near future.

As someone training for the priesthood myself, I am also married to a C of E priest, which will mean that both my wife and I will be married to a priest!

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13y ago

The Anglican Communion is what you are referring to. We do allow priests to marry because their is no biblical teaching that states that priests can't marry.

In the early history of the Roman Catholic Church, priests actually did marry. There was so much corruption with the RCC that demanded reforms. Anglicans strongly believe that the clergy can serve both the church and enjoy the love of marriage and family at the same time. Even the Archbishop of Canterbury is married and has a wonderful family.

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