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Its because they are ugly

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Q: Why can't rat-tailed maggots survive well in clean water?
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Why is it good to keep a clean water supply?

First and foremost we need clean water to stay healthy, to clean and flush out toxins and to generally live. Secondly, keeping water clean allows not only humans to survive but plants and animals also thrive on clean water.

Why is it important to keep a good clean water supply?

First and foremost we need clean water to stay healthy, to clean and flush out toxins and to generally live. Secondly, keeping water clean allows not only humans to survive but plants and animals also thrive on clean water.

What percentage of indians lack access to clean water?

100% of drinking water in india because people survive by water and clean thereselves

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They need a sheep dog, food, health care, water, and a clean enviroment.

Do sharks swim in clear water?

no because they need to survive with sea water

Can you get sick for swimming in a pool with maggots?

The answer here must be yes. Without knowing why maggots would even be in a swimming pool, there should be sufficient disinfectant in the pool water to kill maggots or any other type of invaders. You wouldn't put your body in contact with maggots in any normal situation therefore swimming with maggots is putting your body in contact with the germs that are washed from them into the water. Do not swim in any polluted water is always the safest rule.

Do maggots drink water?

Well, no actually. If you see something in your tank that resembles a maggot it may be a planaria worm. These guys often see to spontaneously form in an aquarium. Typically they are a symptom of overfeeding. I'd get out the ones you can and cut back on how much you are feeding.

Can maggots live without food?

To stop a maggot from turning into a maggot you would have to kill it. To kill them without chemicals you can sprinkle the maggots with salt or cover them in a mixture of vinegar and water.

Why does man make rivers?

cause if there aren't any rivers or clean water were they live, they have to make one to survive

How does water pollution affect Australia's wildlife?

The wildlife count on clean water to drink in order to survive. If the water is heavily polluted then the wildlife will slowly start to die off.

Do house flies come from maggots?

No flies lay maggots, flies lay eggs, these eggs will hatch into maggots.

What are leeches and maggots and where do they live?

Leeches are blood sucking parasites, they are normally found in body's of fresh water. Maggots are fly larvae they can be found in rotting food or carcases ( like a dead body, maggots can be found where flys have laid eggs), an example is maggots can found in cans of raw mushrooms.