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Q: Why can a compound microscope achieve higher powers of magnifications than a simple microscope?
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What is the difference between a compound microscope and an electron microscope?

Compound microscopes (also called compound light microscopes) employ light and an array of glass lenses to magnify an object. (This is distinguished from a simple microscope of one lens.) An electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to magnify an object. The lensing system employs electric and magnetic fields and is specialized for applications requiring much higher magnification. See related links.

What major advantage does a transmission electron microscope have over a compound light microscope?

The Compund light microscope allows people to view living cells. With the electron light microscope peole can only view dead cells but with very high detail. The electron microscope is also much more expensive than a compound ligh microscope. The compound light microscope is also much easier to transport from place to place, as the electron microscope is not.

Is the boiling point higher for compounds with a high viscosity?

Viscosity is the thickness of the compound. The thicker the compound the higher the intermolecular forces. The higher the intermolecular forces the higher the boiling point is.

Is it better to have a higher yield or a lower yield in chemistry?

This depends on the application; if you need to produce a specific compound a higher yield is of course preferred.

Who has higher melting points ionic compounds or covalent compounds?

Ionic compounds have higher melting points than covalent compounds. Common table salt, sodium chloride, is an ionic compound and has a melting point of 801 oC. Table sugar, sucrose, a covalent compound, has a melting point of about 186 oC.

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Does depth of field needed increase or decrease as one moves to higher magnifications with the microscope?

Do the following factors increase or decrease as one moves to higher magnifications with the microscope? Resolution, working distance, amount of light needed, and depth of field

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State how an electron microscope differs from a light microscope?

An electron microscope bombards its target with electrons, while a traditional microscope uses visible light. Electrons can be resolved at considerably higher magnifications that visible light (due to their smaller wavelength).

What is the difference of compound microscope to digital microscope?

The compound microscope is the simple microscope used in the early days for higher magnification to view specimens such as cells. The compound microscope is the standard microscope used commonly nowadays. The digital microscope is a type of optical microscope which makes use of camera and optics to be able to view the images from the microscope to the computer.

List three differences between the dissecting microscope and the compound microscope?

1. compound microscope has higher magnification power 2. Dissecting is used for studying 'big' objects 3. compound is for looking at cells, etc.

What are the main structural differences between the compound light microscope and the stereoscopic microscope?

Stereoscopic microscopes, also called low-power microscopes, dissection microscopes, or inspection microscopes, are designed for viewing "large" objects at low magnifications. Unlike a compound microscope which provides an inverted 2-dimensional image, stereo microscopes provide an erect (upright and unreversed) stereoscopic (3-dimensional) image......

What way does a compound microscope differ from a simple microscope?

A compound microscope consists of several lenses operating together, whereas a simple microscope is one lens, like a magnifying glass. A compound microscope gives higher magnification and also better resolution than a simple microscope.

What feature of an electron microscope allows it to achieve resolution at much higher magnifications compared to a compound microscope?

Light microscopes depend on light being reflected by the particles of the substance being studied. However, sometimes the particles are too small to noticeably reflect the light. Electron microscopes function by sending a beam of electrons through a subject; electrons are so tiny that anything can reflect them.

In microbiology what is the most commonly used objective on a microscope?

In microbiology, the most commonly used objective on a microscope is 100x. This is because this is the closest yet detailed magnification where you can see a specimen. Higher magnifications lead to a closer look but less detail.

What kind of microscope is found in most classrooms?

Optical, though to see smaller organelles and structures in higher resolution an electron microscope may be necessary.

Is it more desirable to increase or decrease light when changing to a higher magnification using a compound microscope?

It is more desirable to increase light when changing to a higher magnification using a compound microscope as the lens require more light. With proper lighting , it is easier to see specimen details as the lens aperture decreases with higher magnification.

What is the difference between a compound microscope and an electron microscope?

Compound microscopes (also called compound light microscopes) employ light and an array of glass lenses to magnify an object. (This is distinguished from a simple microscope of one lens.) An electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to magnify an object. The lensing system employs electric and magnetic fields and is specialized for applications requiring much higher magnification. See related links.